Monday 24 December 2018


As our fragmenting culture picks its lemming-way across the cracking, fragile, societal membrane stretched wafer-thin over the abyss noir, those fostering the chaos continue to turn up the pressure until polite and civilised society shatters into a million tribal shards.

The destroyers then vacuum up the human detritus of scarred and shattered souls, fills them with a Mephistophelian motive and spews them once more into the mean-streets to wreak their blood-soaked revenge on those whom the destructive elite deem unworthy.

It reflects the vicious yet recurrent theme of history repeating itself ad nauseum; a true truth that chews up the under-educated, dislocated and disillusioned, rinses and repeats until such time as the new shattered zeitgeist renders society ripe for the inevitable triumph of the strongman:
Conor Barnes, a woke apostate, recounts his time among sad radicals:

Radical communities select for particular personality types… They attract hurt people, looking for an explanation for the pain they’ve endured… However, radical communities also attract people looking for an excuse to be violent illegalists. And the surplus of vulnerable people attracts sadists and abusers ready to exploit them. The only gate-keeping that goes on in radical communities is that of language and passion—if you can rail against capitalism in woke language, you’re in…
Abusers thrive in radical communities because radical norms are fragile and exploitable. A culture of freewheeling drug and alcohol use creates situations predators are waiting to exploit. A cultural fetishization of violence provides cover for violent and unstable people. The practice of public “call-outs” is used for power-plays far more often than for constructive feedback… Having somebody yell at me that if I didn’t admit to being a white supremacist her friends might beat me up, and that I should pay her for her emotional labour, was too much for my ideology to spin.

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