Friday 2 August 2019


It doesn't take a Nostradamus to foresee that the Hollywood 'B' actor Meghan Markle was going to inject 'elite wokeness' into the royal family, thus triggering its slide into obscurity. Personally I could care less, but the British people are going to become very angry with miss Markle in the not-too-distant future.
"No, Meghan is criticised for being snobby, elitist, hopelessly out of touch and possessing all the self-awareness of a flea. It’s not Meghan’s skin colour that annoys people, but the fact that she thinks nothing of donning an outfit that costs more than most people in the UK earn in a year and then getting her minders to order the public not to take photos of her. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex happily spend £2.4million of taxpayers’ money on renovating their house but then keep the press away from their son’s christening. Meghan has a baby shower involving private jets to New York and then tries to be taken seriously as someone raising awareness about the importance of mental health."[Joanna Williams]
Peculiarly, though perhaps not unexpectedly the 'wokeness' that these parasitical creatures promote is directly proportional to their own 'blindness' of the affect they have on the 'normal's' who surround them, a form of cognitive dissonance associated with the death of logic and rationality as 'taught' in our 'educational institutions' (re-educational institutions).

Is this the wishful thinking on behalf of the 'Green/elite class' to return us to a pre-industrial time much like the Feudal era when the gulf between the 'lord of the manor' and his serfs was so great that they often didn't even acknowledge their existence. 

Perhaps, but unfortunately for them there is a profound difference in attitude. Nowadays we 'peasants' are not so forgiving and the doffing of the cap is swiftly being replaced by the raising of a middle finger. The deplorables are finally standing up to the fake elites all around the Western world....and there are far more of us.

Never thought I would say in jest or otherwise; Viva la revolucion! or perhaps the more apt phrasing would be; "Liberté, égalité, fraternité, ou la mort!"

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