Saturday 10 August 2019


Conor and I watched the American Democratic Socialist Alliance conference in Florida for a laugh…it delivered. At the moment it is a small blow-up pool of miscreants, gender-confused luvvies, lazy young hipster ‘gimme your money’ snake-oil salesmen, virtue signalling doctors wives and limp wrested jazz handers all amusingly retro-actively addressing each other as ‘comrade’ and led by a gruff voiced comedic octogenarian…but…swimming in that chemical toilet are some ‘real’ Marxist Megladons, Islamic ones too, however these two savage ideologies will eventually part ways when their currently mutual agendas begin to clash….may that be sooner rather than later is my prayer.

What has been illustrated time and again throughout history is that neither of these dystopian beasts have benign intentions and for those who care to do their research the results are easy to find.

The sad truth of the matter is that as soon as those promoting the Utopian impulse are sufficiently powerful to weaken the Western culture within which they have been ‘spoiled’ the always present Morlock caste will make itself known and after that; jazz-hands be gone, alphabet heroes will swing from the tallest crane, and the easily influenced, doped out young(not so!) slacker who wants the ‘adults’ to pick up his/her/ze/cis ‘s bill, will find himself/herself/itself/zeself (ad nauseum) digging and filling holes in an outback gulag…if they’re lucky!

Morlocks vs. Eloi…guess who wins?

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