The world we now inhabit in the West believes that individuals can choose whatever sex they want or even to become another creature if they want to, just by 'believing' it strongly enough. A secular version of the 'Faith' message. This is a glaring admittance of the veracity of what has for generations been known as the 'original sin' i.e. the belief that you can 'be like god'.
Well for those who really believe that they can become god-like, it takes no stretch of the imagination to understand that such people will not stop at mere sexual applications, no, indeed they will soon begin to, and already have, adapted their 'god-like powers' to many more things around them, including philosophy, technology, culture, politics and of course sport, which has already been significantly 'colonized' by these 'god-appropriators'.
A significant 'highway' dispensing this ideology of destruction has been and continues to be social media and one of the worst is of course; TikTok. The Chinese Communist Parties own particular highway to hell(for the West that is, the CCP's own citizens are carefully excluded from most Western content on the app.).
Back to the West and we observe the Canadian government stepping up in some very innovative ways, to boost their assisted suicide programs, which have proved to be a boon to a government struggling with ever increasing costly socialist initiatives such as their free 'health-care' for everyone, rampant homelessness, and the exorbitant costs associated with keeping old people and the disabled alive. Far better to borrow from the Mengele school of discipleship and adapt their ruling elites 'god consciousness' to ideologies such as Canada's MAID program, aka 'medical assistance in dying'...which should in actuality be called MAD, i.e. medically assisted dying, but that acronym comes a little to close to truth for comfort in the minds of Canada's politicians.

The application of these policies have succeeded beyond the governments wildest dreams, and they have expanded the legal scope of these programs time and again in Parliament to now not only assist the terminally ill in killing themselves, but has also applied the program to homeless people, war veterans, and even those waiting too long for artificial limbs...and now in the
pièce de résistance young people with obvious mental issues and who should be referred to medical intervention are instead offered a 'way out'. Take note of the 'likes' on this post and shudder with me at the implications thereof:
Canadian entrepreneurship has also blossomed into a rather creepy initiative for their euthanasia programs, which entails funeral homes incorporating suicide rooms into their facilities. A kind of 'one-stop-shopping' for death benefits. Pretty soon they will be offering the option to commit suicide while lying in your own custom built coffin, perhaps even while it hovers over a freshly dug grave site with free bouquets included.