Tuesday 28 January 2020


Another milestone on the seemingly unstoppable stampede by the Western 'elite' (I shudder at using such a blatant misnomer) on their way to the civilisational precipice.


As tragic as this is and I weep at the stupidity and offensiveness of these idiotic individuals,  I also however mentally shrug my shoulders when considering the unstoppable lemming-like stampede of these remarkably deluded 'little gods' who believe that they are in complete control of their destiny's (and the weather).

Such intellectual decadence signals the end of  western civilisation as we know it and the beginning of a new, truly dark age (the mis-named 'dark ages' of Western art refers to what the enlightenment(oxymoron) philosophers thought of as an age influenced and 'retarded' by the Christian belief) where there will no longer be a 'Christian West' for those in the soon-to-be gulags, to escape to...perhaps then many will call out to the one true God in desperation.