Wednesday 24 November 2010

Having just watched an interview with a visiting representative of the World Drug Alliance on channel 24 I am once more convinced George Soros' ultimate goal is the weakening of Western society from within. Almost every current attack on the Judeo/Christian foundations of our society turns out to be funded directly or indirectly by Soros.
The WDA mans appeal for the legalisation of drugs was almost entirely an argument from authority, i.e. heavily sprinkled with 'expert' opinions (I think it was C S Lewis who said something to the effect that given the pitiful state of  University academia, if sufficient funding is on the table one could find an 'expert opinion' that fits almost any prejudice on any subject on earth). The fellow was replete with 'studies' that showed the benefits of decriminalising drugs, unfortunately (for him) there are just as many if not more 'studies' to prove the opposite. The argument that we cannot win the war on drugs could be applied to criminal activity in general, so should we decriminalise crime completely? He spoke about 'regulating' drugs, isn't that a code word for greater bureaucracy, more government lackey's handing out more taxpayer money to more people making immature or selfish decisions? His contention that regulation will enable greater control of the inevitable negative consequences of drugs firstly implies the fact that drugs do cause harm and secondly that we should as a society become 'our brothers keeper'. I can understand that worldview as a Christian but where does he gather his 'compassion from'? Isn't the Darwinian mode one of allowing the weak to die off so that the strong can grow stronger?
This fellow is subtly promoting the idea that drug-taking should be regulated as a sort of a sport, with children taught how to do it without hurting themselves, the central core of the ‘harm reduction’ approach which is a Trojan horse for drug legalisation — and which, dismayingly, has made huge inroads into the thinking of the intellectual establishment throughout the Western world. Soros' man is now here in Australia to 'bring us into line' with the rest of the 'developed world', here he uses the tactic of shame on Australians that we have not 'caught up' with developments in the more 'advanced' Nations, a sure fire appeal to Australia's well documented cultural cringe if ever I heard.
We seem to have forgotten that the law is about consequences not compassion.
Compassion can be implemented (if needs be) during sentencing and dependent on mitigating circumstances, but the law itself should always be unemotional and inviolate.
It is precisely because the western world has become almost completely lobotomised by Hollywood's superficial 'feel good for a moment' soap opera emotionalism (its first overt demonstration being Princess Diana's death) and the spread of techno-emotions induced through YouTube and the net that we can embrace such inane suggestions from the intellectual elite.
Oh for a reflective public, may I once more promote the case for teaching logic and argumentation in Christian  schools.

For a good perspective see:

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