Thursday 11 November 2010

Something to say

I have been encouraged by many friends to start a blog so that i might have a venue to express my thoughts on the world we live that i have one i find myself at a loss for words. Nevertheless i shall persevere because i do believe it is the impersonal nature of the medium that interferes with a free flow of ideas, and it is this impersonality that i shall endeavour to overcome in the days ahead.

Day one:
Having endured my read through of various blogs and reports on the net i am once again amazed (and alarmed) at the almost monolithic left-wing consensus in the educational, artistic and main stream media camps. It appears that Gramsci's 'long march through the institutions' has indeed been successful and pretty much any dissenting view to those of the embedded 'experts' is treated with mockery, disdain and dismissal. In fact it appears that across many fronts i.e. Global warming, Evolution, Environmentalism; dissension is viewed as heresy not merely a differing of opinion  and those who dare to articulate opposite opinions do not have their arguments analysed and systematically opposed, but are treated to ad hominem attacks of a most vicious kind. Perhaps i am even opening myself up to such an attack, if so I look forward to the conflict.

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