Monday 22 November 2010

The meek shall inherit the wind

Doesn't it strike you as hypocritical that the so called 'progressive' folk in Western society call for the abolishment of the death penalty on vile and murderous thugs on the grounds of 'human rights' and compassion then turn around and demand the 'right' to kill the most defenceless in our society, the newborn (or not yet born) and those with incurable diseases or disabilities.
Truly the  progressive agenda is summed up by Green 'Guru' McPherson when he declared that human beings are a "virus on the earth".
The Greens and their ideological ilk are dedicated to eradicating this virus (excluding themselves of course) and use the gullibility of (amongst others) the ideological followers of the UN's  'human rights' agenda to spread the philosophical foundations of this agenda through campaigns such as the anthropogenic global warming scam, the extreme homosexual lobby, euthanasia, abortion on demand (which recently won the 'right' to full term abortions), and legalising drugs.
They advocate open borders and the abdication of nationhood to global 'one world government' yet curse global business development.
They applaud multiculturalism, tribalism and the creation of division along sexual, generational and gender lines and deplore the traditional family, a unit which has been the bedrock of civilisation for millenia.
I do not understand how a Christian can support the Green agenda (a number of whom have openly said so to me) and welcome those who do, to debate the reasons why. perhaps I have missed something essential and if so I implore those with wisdom to correct my error.

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