Monday 17 January 2011

Bald faced lies

We currently inhabit a period where there is no shame...the 'scientists' in whom we are supposed to trust to deliver unbiased and factually derived evidences are unmasked as liars, manipulators and ideologues who conveniently twist facts to suit their own agendas and deliver more public funding into their already stuffed grant schemes. Nihilistic Politicians give the outward appearance of working hard for the voting public whilst actually achieving less than nothing other than furthering their own careers. Teachers (those who haven't given up) are being manipulated by union officials who are more interested in ideologies than in education, and historians who believe that all history is fakery now fake history to suit their own ideological goals.

For example consider the appalling recent SBS series Immigration nation: The Secret History of Us and its overtly anti-Australian bias. I wonder where people who write and promote this sort of trash come from and what they hope to achieve.

All of their preaching on Racism, "Political Correctness" and "multiculturalism" is creating a nation full of thin-skinned people ready to identify a huge amount of things as racist or discriminatory in some manner. It is making young people believe that this is a fundamentally contemptible society riddled with haters and racists who are out to get them or others who constitute “the other.” It is instructing them that there are wide areas to which freedom of speech does not apply

And unfortunately (perhaps stupidly) all of this indoctrination is supposed to reduce friction. Do these morons actually believe that these programs are going to reduce friction or is there something more sinister at work behind the scenes...I hate sounding like a conspiracy theorist but who can truly believe that such an approach is actually good for the country? To me it appears as if there are force at work who are seeking to demolish our society, perhaps to build their own Utopian dream from the ashes, sound familiar?

Because what is actually happening as a result of this continuing propaganda is that is is producing incredible antagonism, hatred, pain, the mentality of perpetual victim hood, endless grievances, and bitter divisiveness for Australians of all stripes and backgrounds

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