Tuesday 11 January 2011


18th Century Spanish painter Francesca Goya created a series of etchings entitled Los Caprichos: 'the sleep of reason produces monsters' which he described as depicting "the innumerable foibles and follies to be found in any civilized society, and from the common prejudices and deceitful practices which custom, ignorance, or self-interest have made usual". His criticisms were far-ranging and acidic; speaking against the predominance of superstition, the ignorance and inabilities of the various members of the ruling class, pedagogical short-comings, marital mistakes, and the decline of rationality.

In short he describes perfectly the prevailing 'wisdom' of the 21st century.

Regarding the Queensland floods I am amazed at the capriciousness of global warming advocates who claim to have foreseen this situation. They are now unashamedly claiming that their 'models' had shown that the warming oceans will deliver excess precipitation blah blah blah!
When temperatures soar into overheat, blame global warming, when the temperature plunges into fridge-like temps blame global warming - heads I win tails you lose!

This is of course all claimed even in evidence of the opposite, i.e. statements made by these fanatics that rain will be forever in short supply (Flannery), snow will be something children of England will celebrate on seeing:

These charlatans are completely without shame but perhaps given the lack of moral compass and an overwhelming will to power at all costs, it is to be expected,
What will be important in the future is how gullible the wider community is prepared to be.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!

Take the recent case of the tragic shooting of Democrat Congresswoman Giffords. Almost instantaneously lefty journos worldwide are blaming Palin and the Tea Party. Regardless of what you feel about Palin such mendacity perfectly illustrates the depravities to which such 'journalists' and commentators have sunk in order to manipulate the public perception. What is the difference between this approach and that of the totalitarianist regimes? All the actual evidence in this case points towards a disturbed young man who had no connection to Palin whatsoever and was in fact more attracted to the communist perspective, see this link:

Unfortunately living in the age of irrationality means that evidence is subservient to ideology and whatever suits the ruling hegemony, i.e. the left-wing position.

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