Tuesday 7 August 2012

Dumb and Dumber

The grand educational experiment in Britain has finally been exposed as a real-life equivalent of Orwellian 'Animal Farm' ideologies. Unfortunately the Australian educational paradigm follows close behind...I have experienced it first hand as both a teacher and a parent:
...with child-centred educational theories, which in the interests of eradicating both ‘illegitimate’ adult authority over children and equally‘illegitimate’ differences in achievement, simply undid the very concept of education altogether.
The result was countless numbers of children abandoned to ignorance and under-achievement, with middle-class ones such as William Miller bullied at their comprehensives — and with those at the very bottom of the social heap, who depended most of all upon school, left locked into disadvantage.
This was because the aim of this experiment had nothing to do with education and instead everything to do with social engineering — to create a society without privilege. But this aim was always unattainable.
The result was that education was now geared to the lowest common denominator, producing a catastrophic decline in standards from top to bottom of the system.
The damage done by this experiment has been incalculable. The further irony is that it actually increased the numbers going to independent schools.
To avoid the poor standards of education and discipline at so many comprehensives, more and more desperate parents proceeded to impoverish themselves to educate their children privately — just to give them the kind of education they once would have received at the grammar schools.
The result of Utopian dreamers whose desire to rule simply overwhelms any cry for freedom, and all of it done in the name of the common good.
Save us all from those who believe they know best.

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