Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Church of the Three Monkeys

Willful ignorance is a choice and with increasing frequency it is not faith that leads us down the path of scientific irrationality, but intellectual vanity.
Never let it be said that Christians follow a path of 'blind faith' (though inevitably some will), I believe it is the evolutionists who in fact fit that description rather well:
Purpose and design have always been evident in the universe but the past few hundred years have enabled mankind to look increasingly further and deeper than ever before into the nature of matter, space and life and we are faced with layer upon wonderful layer of design, complexity and information. On the basis of our knowledge and experience of cause and effect, we should know that there is a supreme being to whom our worship and obedience are due.
This is why evolutionists have to purposely and consciously deny a creator. All of their observations and experience of life tell them that certain objects are designed, but “since they did not see fit to acknowledge God” (Romans 1:28), they have to deny the evidence of their own eyes. In a sense they are denying the observations of the very science they claim to represent. This is why a brilliant scientist like Francis Crick says “biologists must constantly keep in mind that what they see was not designed”.6 If you constantly keep telling yourself a lie, you might come to believe it, so goes the hope.

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