Friday 23 August 2013


Tales from a female investigator of workplace corruption...sound familiar?

"Over the past 11 years, I have been called upon to investigate many people for workplace misconduct. The hardest people to investigate are high-achieving, high-profile women executives. Their starting position is always a haughty refusal to answer questions or participate in investigations they consider beneath them. Next they attempt to retain control by trying to impose their conditions and time frames on the investigation. They attempt to distract from their own conduct by focusing on the poor conduct of others. Some flail about, claiming the status of bullying or sexism victim.
Towards the end, in the face of overwhelming evidence, where others would walk away in shame, they deny everything and come out fighting. I have had some stand up, in the middle of being dismissed, and stalk out of the room declaring they are too busy for all this as they have a business or hospital or hotel to run."

....or a country?

Even though our Prime Ministership has changed hands, this ‘spirit’ still resides in the halls of power. Imagine this investigator interviewing P Wong, or T Plibersek?

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