Friday 29 November 2013

Collectivist mania

The logical outcomes of the collectivist dystopia;
The famine swept through the Soviet Union in 1932-33 following Josef Stalin's forced collectivization of agriculture. Fertile Ukraine, the Soviet Union's bread basket, was worst hit.
When its harvest failed to meet the Kremlin's targets in 1932, officials and activists were sent to villages to confiscate grain and food. The confiscations continued well into 1933, reducing entire families to starvation.
..........and yet many today who have grown up with the benefits and yes, in the excesses of 'capitalistic culture' still hold misplaced theories about the benefits of socialism. Perhaps because they fancy themselves as being in the driving seat and therefore isolated from such dire consequences.

Think again mush-heads, you and your ilk will probably be the first persons the barbarians will reduce to fertilizer. Who are these 'babrbarians you ask? They are the ones who take over once the opposition is reduced to weak, 'all-you-need-is love airheads and 'academic' minded 'girly-boys.'

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