Monday 4 November 2013

The true cost of Anthropogenic global warming.

The latest 'prediction' from the AG warmists would have us believe that the worlds food harvests are going to suffer catastrophic failure in the years to come. However like all of their 'warnings' to date; the rainfall, wild weather, water shortages, overpopulation, commodity scarcity etc, it is nothing more than a stand-over tactic to extort more money from the public purse. It's like a giant ponzy scheme wherein taxpayers money can be funnelled into the few warming-elites pockets at the top of the pyramid. Take note of how wealthy these warming-elites have actually become. How many houses they own, their lifestyles which make a joke of their apocalyptic is no wonder that they fight so hard even in the face of increasing factual evidences,to maintain their hold on the levers of power.

Such manufactured scaremongering is not going to go away just because the warmist 'facts' are disproved. It is going to take a transformation of the power structures to bring this lot of snake-oil salesmen down, because as Blaise Pascal once stated:"...the embarrassment wherein [a person] finds himself produces in him the most unjust and criminal passions imaginable, for he conceives a mortal hatred against that truth which blames him and convinces him of his faults."

Consider this small example of their epic failure to 'predict' the future:
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 2001 predicted global warming would cut wheat and rice production in India:

Acute water shortage conditions combined with thermal stress should adversely affect wheat and, more severely, rice productivity in India even under the positive effects of elevated CO2 in the future.
That prediction of 12 years ago has so far proved completely false. The news from India a fortnight ago:
India looks set for bumper harvests of winter crops such as wheat, chickpeas and rapeseed in the wake of a strong monsoon that has left the soil moist and topped up reservoirs.
The crops will follow bountiful summer harvests of rice and soybeans due to the rains… With next year’s wheat output seen matching 2013’s strong 92.46 million tonnes, the government ... could allow more exports.
Global production of corn, wheat and rice have all more than doubled since 1970 as global warming occurred. Corn production, the current flavor of the week for Internet fear-mongering, has more than tripled since 1970. So, too, has global vegetable production as a whole.
The New York Times’ claim that “sweeping impacts from climate change [are] already occurring across the planet” is also false, contradicted last month by the very IPCC that the Times now cites as its source:
It was embarrassing enough for the IPCC in the summary released last Friday to admit there has been a 15-year pause or dramatic slowdown in global warming, and that its climate models didn’t predict that or the increase in Antarctic sea ice.
But now the IPCC can’t be sure at all we’re suffering from many extreme weather events, either. It even admits its past warnings of more droughts were “overstated”.

Examples are legion, everywhere their predictions are falling into disrepute. However, as with all such dissemblers they are nimbly adapting to the changing circumstances. Whereas they once claimed that the rain in Australia had dried up and was never going to return and even if it did the ground was going to be so dry that the rain would just evaporate and therefore not fill our dams and waterways. When the rains did come in such abundance that floods were the order of the day and all the dams filled and all of the salt-water purification plants built at an enormous waste of taxpayers money have now been mothballed.....they are now claiming that these excessive rains were caused warming!

It would be a joke if it had not been so expensive and that so much of the money had not been diverted into so few pockets and if genuine ecological problems had not been ignored or starved of funds because all available capital had been diverted into 'stopping' an imaginary problem.

As it stands the 'catastrophic scare' of AGW has been a myth but the catastrophic 'solutions' have created untold havoc.

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