Wednesday 26 October 2016


Many Green fanatics these days hold extreme views about the future of the world. Consider this quote from Paul Ehrlich's book 'the Population Bomb' published during the 60's 'revolution' of 'peace and love':
"The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now. At this late date nothing can prevent a substantial increase in the world death rate."
Completely overstated as it turns out but who in the lame-stream-media would point that out: (BTW in 2011 Ehrlich was quoted as saying that his book was too 'optimistic' not only not acknowledging his error but adding to it...sheer arrogance!).

However such catastrophic views of how humanity is damaging 'nature'(aka Gaia) are neither new nor are they liable to ever go away. Consider the current 'global warming' scare which strangely enough once again involves humanity acting in destructive ways towards Gaia.

One of the triggers for me writing this short article was a report yesterday on how an animal 'rights' advocate looks at humanity:
Australian Seabird Rescue spokeswoman Rochelle Ferris, quoted in an ABC News report on a protest against shark nets on NSW’s far north coast, Sunday:
The question we’re facing here is whether wildlife is more important than human life, and I’m conflicted over the answer to that myself.
A major contributor to 'modern' Green ideology is the Norwegian philosopher, and creepy ‘mystic' Arne Naess. In 1973 he claimed that the then 'science' of ecology was faulty because it looked at the world from a human perspective, and argued that:
"..... the human species has the same ‘intrinsic value’ as a bacterium or an earthworm."
Interestingly, my youngest son and I stumbled upon some fascinating mythology whilst researching for a school project of his. It concerns one of the origin myths of ancient China and a 'creator' named Pangu. Like many ancient myths it is quite stimulating and imaginative but of particular relevance was the perspective on humanity; i.e. that humans were created from the parasites found on Pangu's body, lice, maggots, other words humans are parasites on the body of the earth
After another 18,000 years Pangu died, his body forming the various parts of the earth, and the parasites on his body forming humans.
At the risk of invoking 'godwins law' I feel it necessary to point out that it was an overt 'green' fanaticism that drove many of the Nazi Party's most destructive ideologies:
But environmentalist ideology was not an accidental, optional-extra to National Socialism. As we shall see, green ideas were at the core of Nazi thinking. The German Volk and Nazi movements marched beneath the banners of ‘Nature’ and the ‘organic’.(
 I am not saying that humanity is blameless and never trashes nature. I am fully cognisant of the destructive potential within human beings in fact I even have a worldview that points to the inevitability of such behaviour. But I am also a believer in 'common grace' and that many human beings have dedicated their lives to helping and transmogrifying nature in beautiful and beneficent ways. Culture plays a significant part in this equation and I do not believe that all cultures are equal in this respect...such a worldview is ridiculous and illogical because it carries within in itself a contradictory bias.

What I do hope to say rather forcefully however, is that human beings are valuable. They are important. They are noble, and they are made in the image of a marvellously creative and beneficent God and are the pinnacle of His creation, which makes them significant even in their folly.

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