Friday 14 October 2016


I love to read and the internet has opened up a vast storehouse of material to indulge this passion, though of course within every cornucopia there exists a dark side, which in this case is that the more I read the more depressed I become.


Because I observe how quickly the world is degenerating into madness. I see how formerly rational people will believe in almost anything other than a benevolent and gracious God because to do the latter would mean becoming responsible to someone greater than ourselves...and for an increasing amount of human beings there is no one greater than themselves. Unfortunately because nature abhors a vacuum when the belief in a creator goes out the back door; belief in anything/everything comes roaring in the front door.
This is all comic-book stuff. Believe any of it and you will believe anything. But people do. Welcome to godless credulity; to the age of science fiction made real. It has a prosaic side to it too. Global warming (GW) is the example, par excellence.
The symptoms of a belief in GW are everywhere to be seen as the worship of wind and sun totems. These, for some, fill the yawning gap, which belief in God might have previously occupied. People from every land and their governments have not only embraced a tenuous scientific theory that burning fossil fuels will bring catastrophe to the human race but, bizarrely, and against all reason, that it is possible to replace fossil fuels with wind and solar farms and, at the same time, preserve the prosperity that fossil fuels have brought to large swathes of humanity since the industrial revolution.
Something is going on to make otherwise sane and sensible people believe this kind of thing.
There also exists a peculiar victim-hood zeitgeist within Western thinking which divides victims and perpetrators into tribal, racial or gender ghettos. The ruling oligarchy has not only succeeded in delineating these differences but they have also set up our society in such a way as to prevent these disparate groups from ever reaching some form of reconciliation, thus fermenting social chaos, which is in many ways the intent of this new 'elite' whose playbook can be traced back to the oft stated aims of Marxist agitators such as Gramsci and Alinksy with Labor's Fabianist philosophy thrown in for good measure.

Welcome to the Hotel California!

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