Friday, 18 November 2016


This could be misconstrued but I think the author provides a compelling theory at the very least:
"South American countries could become wealthy if they followed the time-honoured way. This has been proven repeatedly. Small, accountable governments, low taxes, stable currency and strong property rights. That is how the USA (and Canada) became wealthy.
What Latinos should stop doing is blaming America for their problems. They shouldn’t expect the right to move to the USA en-masse and automatically be granted full citizenship rights. US citizens would never be entitled to those rights in Latin America.
In 1450, before Columbus made his epic journey, almost everyone thought the world was flat (not true! this is an unfortunate anti-christian myth promulgated in the late 19th century and not acceded to by most historians today, a fact which gives me pause as to the veracity of the rest of this authors work, but I once again encourage research rather than ignorance and the rest of his theory passes the smell test for me, if scoring somewhat high on hyperbole[mike m]). South America was rife with human sacrifice, North American Indians killed and scalped their rivals and the other kind of Indians were torching widows on their husbands' funeral pyres.
Slavery was the norm throughout Africa and the Islamic empire. Head shrinking and cannibalism were common in the East Indies.
Fast forward to 1950 and all these things had been abolished. People had televisions, radios, fridges, washing machines, cars, jet aeroplanes, antibiotics, anaesthetics, flush toilets and too many other things to name.
We had democracy, human rights, free speech, the rule of law, habeas corpus, the separation of powers and the separation of church and state.
Now perhaps I’m showing my ignorance here, but I can’t think of a single innovation, either social or technological, which happened during that five-hundred-year period that didn’t originate from white European nations or their offshoots.
I don’t want to claim credit for that fact at all mind you, because I wasn’t even born by 1950. By the same token however, I don’t see why I should throw myself into a fit of self-flagellation over every evil deed that has ever been committed by a white man.
I also don’t see why I should throw open the borders of my country to compensate the billions of people who have failed to create viable societies in their own nations. Neither do I see why I have an obligation to become an ethnic minority in every single country on the planet.
I also don’t see why I should throw open the borders of my country to compensate the billions of people who have failed to create viable societies in their own nations. Neither do I see why I have an obligation to become an ethnic minority in every single country on the planet.
In fact, I have come to believe that I have an obligation to my descendants to ensure that they inherit a nation which is for the most part, ethnically and culturally homogenous. I believe that is important because these type of nations have proven to be the most peaceful and prosperous.
[Harry Richardson]


Larry Pickering puts forward an interesting candidate for a future (near?) Prime Minister....Peta Credlin! I absolutely agree and would throw my vote behind her immediately.


Make of this posting what you will, my natural scepticism always looms to the fore when reading such potentially scandalous stuff. But that nagging urge to self-censor is what political correctness and its fairy godmother 'conspiracy theory' have done to us... a tool quite well documented in Orwell's 'now 'factional' novel 1984;  
Although the social media displays of ideological opposition by leftist minions are very real for them, it’s not really why Trump has faced such stiff opposition before and after the election. Trump is a marked man because he is not a retail politician owned by a segment of the oligarchy who really run the show. He’s his own man. To the true shadow elite, this is completely unacceptable.
What makes Trump so hated by the oligarchic elite who use social engineering to direct political processes around the world is that no-one owns him. He is not a stooge for the Koch brothers, Soros, the New York banksters or some shady billionaire Mohammed. He cannot be blackmailed like a usual puppet politician, and he has made it clear that he wants to change the political paradigm by draining the swamp in Washington.
The oligarchs love the swamp. They are the alligators that rule the swamp. What Trump is proposing to do is not just an insult. Should Trump succeed in draining the swamp and laying bare the creatures who have thrived in it for all to see, the oligarchs can expect pitchforks outside their gated compounds the next day.

While many billionaires, banking interests and corporate entities pay to play the game of oligarchic puppet master, none can rival the organisational machinery and ideological zeal of George Soros. And while Hillary has pimped herself out to just about every guy with a private jet, her main John has been and will remain Soros.
There is a mountain of evidence linking Clinton and Soros, including the information contained in the Podesta emails. Soros was Clinton’s chief donor, giving $25 million to Clinton’s campaign for president. Chelsea and Marc Mezvinsky were even married in Soros’ mansion. It’s a close bond.
What is becoming clear due to brave investigative work by journalists such as Wayne Madsen and leaked documents being analysed by the centipedes on reddit and 4chan, is that Soros does far more than just donate money. It has been known for years now that Soros runs his own tax-exempt organisations that he uses to destabilise nations, foment revolutions and install politicians he owns. The scale and magnitude of Soros’ operations, however, are only recently becoming clear.
What makes Soros so scandalous and his exposure to the public so important, however, is the revelation that Soros is a hardcore leftist. He’s a fanatical Cultural Marxist. He’s a globalist whose central vision is the destruction of the Western nation-state. He has written repeatedly that the existence of the United States is the greatest impediment to human freedom on the planet, and only funds politicians who will advance socialism and globalism in the West. He has also been agitating for war with Russia for years.

Thursday, 17 November 2016


An erudite comment by D C Alan:
The Play-Doh generation might not have the mettle to slog it out on the Western Front, but that doesn't mean that they are not ready and willing to fight. These are exactly the types who get motivated to savage mob violence very quickly and easily, which is the ultimate goal of the Left's infantilization of the culture. (Steyn: "The scale of solipsistic compliant ignorance is totalitarian -- and terrifying, in that it will inevitably be exploited for catastrophic and evil ends." July 31, 2015)


Mark Steyn excoriates the new (left-wing) American 'symbol of solidarity', the safety used to...err...trumpet ones significant moral superiority...yet more virtue signalling by the comrades:
Strangely enough, all these people swaggering about insouciantly demonizing millions of their fellow citizens as haters and Satanists profess to feeling "scared" and "unsafe" from the terror all around. Fortunately, in the midst of their fears they've found a marketing opportunity:

Days after Donald Trump was named president-elect, Americans are spreading a message of unity with a simple symbol: a silver safety pin.
And what "message of unity" could be simpler than that one in every two Americans is a violent hater-racist-misogynist-homophobe-Islamophobe-transphobe Satan fridge-magnet?
Like almost every other schoolhouse in America, my own kids' principal sent out a morning-after email blast bemoaning the way elections are determined "not by reasoning but by emotions". Somewhat oddly for a chap draping himself in the banner of reason, he then blathered on about hope and love and the power of love to triumph over hate with more hope so that love wins, etc. And he seemed not to notice that, having bemoaned the way elections are decided by emotion, he'd discussed this one entirely in terms of his feelings. To return to Churchill, the schoolmaster's object was to substitute emotional exhibitionism for argument.
And what of the "reasoning" behind the exhibitionism? There is something grim and trivializing about snowflakes with safety-pins. Are they truly feeling "unsafe" in their safe space? If so, the safety-pin will come in handy for holding their recyclable diapers on. As I said to Howie Carr last week, these delicate blooms are professing to be traumatized because, after years of civics class, they had no idea America wasn't a one-party state and that once every few years a fellow with a different opinion gets to win. If we indulge this, what silver-pin decorative brooches are left for the 60 per cent of the planet without free elections?

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

MM + PP = PC

Australia needs a moral, intelligent, perspicacious, strong man (or woman...see me being pc) who can resist the slings and arrows of mendacious media hacks and the back stabbing of pusillanimous politicians, we need someone who is unlike those Peter Smith describes:
"Most leaders of the centre-Right in the Western democracies appear to be the prisoners of their own anxieties: the fear of proscription by the self-appointed guardians of self-righteousness; the fear of humiliation for failure to flatter those who parade their status as victims; and the fear of oblivion for simply ignoring the clamour to do something when there is nothing useful to be done. The watchword of many a conservative statesman used to be masterly inactivity; now it is miserly depravity. There seems no place for the old-fashioned conservative who steers a steady course, is frugal and firm yet decent and honest; who, rather than pick people’s pockets, leaves their money to fructify there—in short, the John Howards of this world."

Monday, 14 November 2016


Could this become the clarion call for the conservative voice in Australia against the 'elites' who have 'ruled' over us for too long:
It is a ruling class of pygmies who walk on stilts and call themselves giants. They are not giants and the moment the rest of us realize this, the long con is over.


Wow! Daryl Mccann has articulated the PC, hypocritical madness of identity politics in the West today more succinctly and with greater depth than many a philosophy academic:
PC Identarianism allows Beyoncé, one of the more dazzling and venerated celebrities on the planet, to play the victim card. This no-expense-spared woman, who inhabits the rarefied air of global superstardom, might have been listed by Time magazine in 2013 and 2014 as one of the most influential women in the world and by Forbes in 2015 as the most powerful female in entertainment, she might even possess a net wealth of as much as $US450 million, and yet Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter self-identifies as a victim. The melanin in her skin allows this revered idol to pose as a member of the modern-day Left’s rainbow of discontents. It is not so much a matter of “white skin privilege” holding Beyoncé back as “black skin privilege” shielding her from accusations of extreme privilege.

Friday, 11 November 2016


One of my favourite atheists Brendan O'Neill, writes eloquently (as always) on the reasons for Trumps is well worth a read:
If you want to know why Trump won, just look at the response to his winning. The lofty contempt for ‘low information’ Americans. The barely concealed disgust for the rednecks and cretins of ‘flyover’ America who are apparently racist and misogynistic and homophobic. The haughty sneering at the vulgar, moneyed American political system and how it has allowed a wealthy candidate to poison the little people’s mushy, malleable minds. The suggestion that American women, more than 40 per cent of whom are thought to have voted for Trump, suffer from internalised misogyny: that is, they don’t know their own minds, the poor dears. The hysterical, borderline apocalyptic claims that the world is now infernally screwed because ‘our candidate’, the good, pure person, didn’t get in.

Thursday, 10 November 2016


Dennis Prager tells it like it is...:
The American Revolution, unlike the French Revolution, placed liberty above equality. For the left, equality is more important than all else. That’s why so many American and European leftists have celebrated left-wing regimes, from Stalin to Mao to Guevara to Castro to Chavez, no matter how much the regimes squelched individual liberty. They all preached equality.

Monday, 7 November 2016


It is truly diabolical that we the taxpayer are funding those organisations most dedicated to bringing our values and civilisation down:
"The Australian Human Rights Commission embodies the elitism that is spurring a global renaissance of populism. It is an activist organisation funded by the taxpayer that acts against the interests of the people by advocating porous borders, manufactured minority politics and the suppression of dissent. Its elitism is expressed in the vast waste of taxpayers’ money on overseas junkets, the reversal of formal equality and the prosecution of freethinkers under section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act...
The AHRC is an activist organisation, the purpose of which has expired. It should have been retired after formal equality was introduced across Australian jurisdictions...
To justify their appalling waste of taxpayers’ money, activists curate a culture of complaint in which citizens are grouped by state-designated “attributes” such as race or sex and encouraged to complain about perceived offence. Section 18C is the perfect tool to sow endless division and the culture of complaint that sustains the human rights industry...
But under 18C, discrimination means feeling averse to the truth and having a state-sanctioned, taxpayer-funded right to punish those who reveal it. That’s not anti-discrimination. It’s a licence to silence dissidents...
The AHRC is ­redundant, so too state discrimination and equal opportunity commissions. Their members can fund their own activism on their own time... The AHRC has become a force for social discord and division. Let it go. [Jennifer Oriel]


When Emma Rice took over Directorship of the Globe theatre in England, she proceeded to demolish Shakespeare as he has been conceived of for the past 400 years:
The Bard’s plays, she says, are “tedious” and “inaccessible.” Perhaps, with such a dim view of the source material and its creator, she should have taken a different job, but instead she chose to make Shakespeare more “relevant.” For instance, [in A Midsummer Night’s Dream] “Away, you Ethiope,” was changed to, “Get away from me, you ugly bitch.” Rice knew that plenty of Shakespeare purists would find her coarse edits appalling, so she had an actor walk on stage in a spacesuit and say, “Why this obsession with text?” She also placed identity politics front and centre. She mandated, for instance, that 50 percent of the cast be female regardless of the gender of the characters. “It’s the next step for feminism,” she said, “and it’s the next stage for society to smash down the last pillars that are against us.”
Unsurprisingly after her first season the board responsible for keeping Shakespeare recognisably Shakespeare sacked her and the 'progressive' press have exploded with their classic, divisive, fall-back position of class consciousness (some might even call it the 'snobbery of the banal') and attacked the decision by calling it........'snobbery':
"It’s hard to shake the idea of what the Globe regulars want: period finery not Adidas tracksuits; Received Pronunciation not London street slang; theatre’s Eve Best not EastEnders’ Maddy Hill. Shared light or no shared light, it’s straight-up snobbery."[M Trueman, The Telegraph]
I would suggest that Mr Trueman is living in his Hollywood namesakes make-believe world if he believes that the only way to advance 'culture' is to destroy all the best of the past cultural norms.

That route leads only to the same sort of world that ISIS envisages.

Grow up Matt and make a valiant attempt to look beyond the 'progressive' bubble that is cultural Marxism, and you might even learn something from the past. If not I fear you are going to repeat it.

Sunday, 6 November 2016


A classic Labor & Green [aka Socialist/Marxist] diversionary tactic is to blame our current economic ills on the rapacious rich. Labor's union stooge, Billious Shorty in particular has been running a diabolical class war rhetoric nightly with the help of their propaganda media arm the ABC, and the basis of it is not only disingenuous it is downright mendacious.

Walter Williams has written very eloquently about the lies that are fed to us and how devious they actually are, devious in the sense that they distract and divert our attention from the real enemy...BIG GOVERNMENT....:
"Bill Gates cannot order you to enroll your child in another school in order to promote racial diversity. He has no power to condemn your house to make way for a casino parking lot. Unless our elected public officials grant them the power to rip us off, rich people have little power to force us to do anything. A lowly municipal clerk earning $50,000 a year has far more life-and-death power over us. It is that type of person to whom we must turn for permission to build a house, ply a trade, open a restaurant and do myriad other activities. It's government people, not rich people, who have the power to coerce us and rip us off. They have the power to make our lives miserable if we disobey. This coercive power goes a long way toward explaining legalized political corruption."

Friday, 4 November 2016


Truly, truly there are moments when I am forced to believe that Australians are living in a small dark place (coming soon via 'renewable energy'!) somewhere down Alice's rabbit hole.

Thankfully many are waking up (at last) to the spurious and noxious (pun) claims of the 'global warming' chicken little's. Yet there are still intelligent(?) people who parrot the babel of 'renewable energy' as though it were a magical mantra. 

Their cultural doppelgangers are observed living amongst the self-delusionals who populate the kingdoms of magical thinking; aka 'the universities' and trendy, lefty, political party's.

These are the 'brains trust' of the country, 'intellectual' titans who believe that their 'socialism' will never fail like the socialism of the USSR, Mao's China, Pot's Cambodia, Chavez's Venezuela, Castro's Cuba etc,etc ad nauseum.
To much green Kool-aid people!!!!!!