Friday 18 November 2016


Make of this posting what you will, my natural scepticism always looms to the fore when reading such potentially scandalous stuff. But that nagging urge to self-censor is what political correctness and its fairy godmother 'conspiracy theory' have done to us... a tool quite well documented in Orwell's 'now 'factional' novel 1984;  
Although the social media displays of ideological opposition by leftist minions are very real for them, it’s not really why Trump has faced such stiff opposition before and after the election. Trump is a marked man because he is not a retail politician owned by a segment of the oligarchy who really run the show. He’s his own man. To the true shadow elite, this is completely unacceptable.
What makes Trump so hated by the oligarchic elite who use social engineering to direct political processes around the world is that no-one owns him. He is not a stooge for the Koch brothers, Soros, the New York banksters or some shady billionaire Mohammed. He cannot be blackmailed like a usual puppet politician, and he has made it clear that he wants to change the political paradigm by draining the swamp in Washington.
The oligarchs love the swamp. They are the alligators that rule the swamp. What Trump is proposing to do is not just an insult. Should Trump succeed in draining the swamp and laying bare the creatures who have thrived in it for all to see, the oligarchs can expect pitchforks outside their gated compounds the next day.

While many billionaires, banking interests and corporate entities pay to play the game of oligarchic puppet master, none can rival the organisational machinery and ideological zeal of George Soros. And while Hillary has pimped herself out to just about every guy with a private jet, her main John has been and will remain Soros.
There is a mountain of evidence linking Clinton and Soros, including the information contained in the Podesta emails. Soros was Clinton’s chief donor, giving $25 million to Clinton’s campaign for president. Chelsea and Marc Mezvinsky were even married in Soros’ mansion. It’s a close bond.
What is becoming clear due to brave investigative work by journalists such as Wayne Madsen and leaked documents being analysed by the centipedes on reddit and 4chan, is that Soros does far more than just donate money. It has been known for years now that Soros runs his own tax-exempt organisations that he uses to destabilise nations, foment revolutions and install politicians he owns. The scale and magnitude of Soros’ operations, however, are only recently becoming clear.
What makes Soros so scandalous and his exposure to the public so important, however, is the revelation that Soros is a hardcore leftist. He’s a fanatical Cultural Marxist. He’s a globalist whose central vision is the destruction of the Western nation-state. He has written repeatedly that the existence of the United States is the greatest impediment to human freedom on the planet, and only funds politicians who will advance socialism and globalism in the West. He has also been agitating for war with Russia for years.

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