Friday 18 November 2016


This could be misconstrued but I think the author provides a compelling theory at the very least:
"South American countries could become wealthy if they followed the time-honoured way. This has been proven repeatedly. Small, accountable governments, low taxes, stable currency and strong property rights. That is how the USA (and Canada) became wealthy.
What Latinos should stop doing is blaming America for their problems. They shouldn’t expect the right to move to the USA en-masse and automatically be granted full citizenship rights. US citizens would never be entitled to those rights in Latin America.
In 1450, before Columbus made his epic journey, almost everyone thought the world was flat (not true! this is an unfortunate anti-christian myth promulgated in the late 19th century and not acceded to by most historians today, a fact which gives me pause as to the veracity of the rest of this authors work, but I once again encourage research rather than ignorance and the rest of his theory passes the smell test for me, if scoring somewhat high on hyperbole[mike m]). South America was rife with human sacrifice, North American Indians killed and scalped their rivals and the other kind of Indians were torching widows on their husbands' funeral pyres.
Slavery was the norm throughout Africa and the Islamic empire. Head shrinking and cannibalism were common in the East Indies.
Fast forward to 1950 and all these things had been abolished. People had televisions, radios, fridges, washing machines, cars, jet aeroplanes, antibiotics, anaesthetics, flush toilets and too many other things to name.
We had democracy, human rights, free speech, the rule of law, habeas corpus, the separation of powers and the separation of church and state.
Now perhaps I’m showing my ignorance here, but I can’t think of a single innovation, either social or technological, which happened during that five-hundred-year period that didn’t originate from white European nations or their offshoots.
I don’t want to claim credit for that fact at all mind you, because I wasn’t even born by 1950. By the same token however, I don’t see why I should throw myself into a fit of self-flagellation over every evil deed that has ever been committed by a white man.
I also don’t see why I should throw open the borders of my country to compensate the billions of people who have failed to create viable societies in their own nations. Neither do I see why I have an obligation to become an ethnic minority in every single country on the planet.
I also don’t see why I should throw open the borders of my country to compensate the billions of people who have failed to create viable societies in their own nations. Neither do I see why I have an obligation to become an ethnic minority in every single country on the planet.
In fact, I have come to believe that I have an obligation to my descendants to ensure that they inherit a nation which is for the most part, ethnically and culturally homogenous. I believe that is important because these type of nations have proven to be the most peaceful and prosperous.
[Harry Richardson]

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