Sunday 6 November 2016


A classic Labor & Green [aka Socialist/Marxist] diversionary tactic is to blame our current economic ills on the rapacious rich. Labor's union stooge, Billious Shorty in particular has been running a diabolical class war rhetoric nightly with the help of their propaganda media arm the ABC, and the basis of it is not only disingenuous it is downright mendacious.

Walter Williams has written very eloquently about the lies that are fed to us and how devious they actually are, devious in the sense that they distract and divert our attention from the real enemy...BIG GOVERNMENT....:
"Bill Gates cannot order you to enroll your child in another school in order to promote racial diversity. He has no power to condemn your house to make way for a casino parking lot. Unless our elected public officials grant them the power to rip us off, rich people have little power to force us to do anything. A lowly municipal clerk earning $50,000 a year has far more life-and-death power over us. It is that type of person to whom we must turn for permission to build a house, ply a trade, open a restaurant and do myriad other activities. It's government people, not rich people, who have the power to coerce us and rip us off. They have the power to make our lives miserable if we disobey. This coercive power goes a long way toward explaining legalized political corruption."

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