Saturday, 30 September 2017



A dingo crows in the afternoon
Monkey jumps barbed wire, the ear-gate swallows the sun.
Right side regurgitates lovely in exactitudes.
High pitched nonsense comforts the red red yellow crescent.
Raging free patterns of courage waiting for….
Presence gathers in the crispy corner of correctness.
The scattered seed feels connected, I feel glad.

Looking back strips shadows of dimension and Orpheus is dusted.
From shallows pour fifth destiny.
Head hums whispering words upon which fate falls and captains crumble.
See rock me a little while not alone in the sea of sadness.
Warm winter satisfies the drum beat of a sickle
Melancholy makes me glad.

Click clack, strum strom, plick pluck; the hurricane howls
And clam is a dram who masters calm.
Landscape glowers at the suffering heart on the line.
Dawn lies lays boys yobs spent beers and tears.

I’m so glad.

Broken this
Broken that
Broken lives
Broken promises
Everything broken

Lingering Laureate
Assaults the auricle
Pierces the passage
Drummers drumming
Tares, tears, tearing

Mumbling moaning
Urgings the 4th estate evades
Flap flop, trickle truckle
Spring sprang
Words worsening

Swamp swells
Chaos controls
Wisdoms ways
Amotions ascendancy
Huppy, puppy, yuppy

Days of old
We were bold
I am told
Before being


Friday, 29 September 2017


In my younger life BC,  I remember thinking that Hugh Hefner lived the ideal lifestyle; the life all red-blooded males aspired to. It was a few years later that I came to understand that this was a profoundly erroneous perspective on life and one that has done endless damage to many many people around the world.

His life was, if one reads between the lines, one of profound contempt for women and fraught with both substance and emotional abuse. In fact what appeared to be Utopian on the outside was nothing but nihilism at its source:
He tearfully noted in a 1992 New York Times interview: 'I’ve spent so much of my life looking for love in all the wrong places.'[Daily Mail, 29th September 2017]
Though the mass media now provide hagiographies verging on secular sainthood for Hefner and his influence on culture, the fruits of this influence which are everywhere visible and becoming increasingly oppressive illustrate that his philosophy was like all other idealistic philosophies; destructive: 
Utopianism, writes the philosopher Roger Scruton, is ‘not in the business of perfecting the world’ but only of demolishing it: ‘The ideal is constructed in order to destroy the actual.’ Who needs families, or marriage, or morality? Who needs nations, especially nations with borders? We’ll take a jackhammer to the foundations of functioning society and proclaim paradise in the ruins.
Hefner added to the chaos of the world and was at the sharp end of the cultural struggle that we are now engaged in:

He spent his life rebelling against what he considered the restrictions of his 'roots' but in doing so displayed the typical narcissist's blindness on actually knowing what it was he was rebelling against. He might as well have tied the millstone around his own neck. 
He is now in the presence of One who whilst the epitome of love is also to be greatly feared:
Luke 12:2 There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.
3 What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.
4 “I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more.
5 But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him.
I do not envy him, and yet I do not judge him for I too am a dreadful sinner with the only difference being that I have accepted the One who was sent on my behalf to stand in the gap. I can only hope that for his sake he too made a deathbed acceptance like the sinner on the cross besides Jesus.

Russell Moore has the last line on Hugh Hefner who is the reflection of our culture today and especially pertinent given the debate we are currently engaged in:
The “bunny” logo was well-chosen because, in the end, Mr. Hefner saw both men and women as essentially rabbits. This path was portrayed vividly by John Updike in his Rabbit Angstrom series. It is not a happy life.
And yet we are not actually rabbits. We can see our deaths coming, and we outlive those deaths to give an account of our lives. If you want to see “success,” look instead to the man faithful to the wife of his youth, caring for her through dementia.
In the short-run Hefner’s philosophy has won, on both the Right and the Left. The Playboy Mansion is every house now. Many church leaders implicitly or explicitly say, “This is fine.” In many cases, those who hold to what the church has always taught on sexual morality and the value of women are the dissidents now, regardless of how “conservative” a movement proclaims itself to be. Thou hast conquered, O grotto.
The long-run, though, is quite different. Jesus will reign.

Wednesday, 27 September 2017


Because the left dominates the news media, the entertainment media and academia, ordinary Western civilians are swimming -- actually, drowning -- in an ocean of lies.

As an example I was watching (I can only stomach it for short periods) a clip of channel 10s 'the project' and marvelled at how adept these cultural Marxists (conscious or unconscious) are at the 'ole bait n switch' routine. 

The segment was about how expensive electricity in Australia has become and would you believe it, but they chose to ignore completely the actual reason for the prices and proceeded to lay the blame at the feet of the 'greedy capitalists' who are exploiting the system. Talk about attacking the messenger!

It is exactly what happened with the Global Financial crisis in America...government interference in the marketplace that transforms 'free' enterprise into crony capitalism. 

Sure we all know that there are greedy swines in business who care about nothing more than making a dollar, just as there are greedy swines in public broadcasting who make more dollars than those in the private arena and generally for less work I might add. In fact the more we back off from absolute morality the more such narcissistic greed and bad behaviour will emerge, but more on that obvious development at another time.

The point of this electricity debate is that the government are interfering in the marketplace by subsidising renewable's at such a rate as to make the cheaper coal and gas options unprofitable and that drives away investors. 

The 'projects' Wally Taqiya and his stable-mate the truly sinister Carrie Bickmore (ever seen what happens to her eyes and face when presented with an argument against her pet ideologies? Whew! its enough to melt your marsh-mellows), Carrieposter.jpg......anyway there they were professing to analyse the exorbitant prices of electricity (South Australia with abundant mineral resources, has the most expensive electricity on the planet) in Australia and blaming the greedy Electricity Suppliers for the problem. 

Yes, the CEO of AGL is one crony capitalist who sees an opportunity to make dollars for himself and his shareholders(to which his bonus is tied) by abusing the marketplace. Take morality out of the marketplace and how can you blame him? Its rank hypocrisy to blame somebody for doing what you have a part in allowing in the first place isn't it. 

But attacking the obvious capitalists amongst us...the banks, the Energy companies, the mining companies etc; sets up an Us vs. Them scenario, a classic play straight from Alinsky's 12 Rules For Radicals playbook. It also deflects the real source of the problem from its socialist, anarchist I said in the beginig classic bait & switch.

Thursday, 21 September 2017


Musing on the word 'courage'. We hear endless chants of how courageous Hollywood 'artists' are to stand up to Trump, or to the 'fascist hordes' who populate the Tea Party (who incidentally clean up after themselves) unlike the so called pollution minded eco-warriors who leave behind major dumps of  pollution at their 'love-in/sit-in/occupy events:
This is a sterling example of the progressive thought process. Leonardo DiCaprio preaches about the cataclysmic dangers of climate change, then flies a private jet. Thousands of activists traveled to Standing Rock to protest about an oil pipeline they claimed would contaminate the Missouri River, then left a garbage wasteland behind, which, if not cleaned up in time, will contaminate Cannonball River and Lake Oahe.
Aside from the minute band of activists who are helping with the cleanup, where is everyone else? It doesn't matter. They proudly displayed their virtue, and so little details like cleaning up their own filth in the aftermath are irrelevant.
Above all else, progressives value being seen as virtuous. Whatever cause they promote or defend always comes second to everyone seeing them promote or defend said cause.
We hear endless caterwauling about how these courageous souls are speaking truth to power and how they seek to tear down the privilege of the patriarchy or  the bullying of the 'fascist right'......all very noble but in truth when we see anything at all it is usually the left attacking and bullying the 'normals' in society.

We only ever see Hollywood attacking one religion in its diatribes against religion as the cause of all evil in the world. Who do they target? Christianity of course, never ever would we see Hollywood
attacking the real crimes of Islam. Why? Well one doesn't have to venture far beyond the artists of Charlie Hebdo to answer that one, or perhaps early movie makers like Theo Van Gogh & Hirsi Ali where one is dead and the other lives in permanent hiding, or perhaps as a writer we should criticise Islam as Salmon Rushdie did.

What do Christians do when you make movies that mock their faith?
They pray for, now that is really terrible and what courage it takes to make movies that condemn such a foul worldview or make mockery of the founder of that faith by immersing the instrument of His torture in human waste.....such artistry, such passion, such courage to speak truth to power.....! Granted there are some these days who think hate is part of the Christian vocabulary and who appear to do it on the various media platforms, but these are expressions outside of the remittance of scripture and if followed up are often either fake news or the work of crazies.

Well the same could be said of those who shout Allahu Akbar before they detonate! Sure, but how many deaths are you aware of that have been caused by those calling themselves Christian and have subsequently been discovered to be faithful followers of Christ?

Whereas all of the followers of Islam can have their claims justified by the Koran, the author of their faith both admires and acknowledges that he was a killer and only have to do a modicum of research to see that this is the case.

And this is the real reason why the courageous minions of Hollywood are more than happy to mock Christianity whilst not only ignoring but promoting Islam. The irony of it all is that once the Western civilisation has collapsed and sharia law is felt and exercised more widely in the Western countries wherein it now resides and grows stealthily and surreptitiously with the help of the 4th estate, these self same luvvies are going to feel the heat whether they try to avoid it or not.

Thursday, 14 September 2017


Too true Dinesh.....unfortunately a large part of post modern society no longer believe this to be true and even more are thinking negatively about America and the other Judeo-Christian nations because of the endless propaganda fed to them since kindergarten:
Since the American founding, the American formula of democratic self-government – of making the people control the rulers instead of the other way around – has become a virtually unquestioned norm for the world. Even governments that violate democracy pretend to rule on behalf of the people. Moreover, America’s focus on the entrepreneur has produced the most inventive and entrepreneurial society in history, which has benefited not just business owners but workers and ordinary people. Already by 1815, historian Daniel Walker Howe points out, Americans were better fed and in better health than their English counterparts. Between 1830 and 1950, America had the fastest growing economy in the world. By the mid-twentieth century, the American economy was so productive that a nation with around 5 percent of the world’s population accounted for one-fourth of the global economy. In America I am not surprised by how good the people at the top have it; I am amazed to see what a good life America has provided for its common man. Even people of little education and ordinary ability – I would go so far as to say even the unimpressive and the lazy – have nice homes and nice cars and take annual vacations. I do not believe that all this will be true in the future, but it has been true for the past half-century. (D D’Souza, America, p.54)
Reflect on how this view of the economy is being systematically undermined by the America's left wing potentates. How Obama directly attacked the foundations of economic growth with his "you didn't build that" quote:
The president's remarks reflected the belief, common among Democrats, that successful citizens owed their success partly to public infrastructure and government spending, and that they should contribute to finance public goods...(Wikipeadia)
In other words individuals did not build their own businesses, the State did it for them. Pure Marxist thinking!

Francis Schaeffer once said the very freedoms achieved by the Judeo-Christian worldview are the same tools that will be used to destroy it once people reject the foundation on which such a worldview was built. In a world without moral righteousness the freedoms of Western 'capitalism' become brigandage at the highest levels. We witness it nightly on the evening news...politicians ripping off the taxpayer left,right and centre.  South Australia is a contemporary, living example of such mad, tax-payer underwritten ideology at its most blatant;the climate change cult.

In a State blessed with abundant natural mineral riches which potentially enables us to generate almost limitless and inexpensive power we find instead a State labouring (pun intended) under the most expensive power prices in the WORLD. This fact plus the general fiscal and societal mismanagement on a colossal scale has reduced our State to that of the mendicant of Australia. These Marxist inspired policies have had devastating results on our economy, causing massive unemployment, skyrocketing utility bills, and fostering a climate(pun) antagonistic to any hope for future growth.

Of course Mugabe once said when questioned on if he regretted his Marxist policies and how they had devastated the economy of Zimbabwe, reducing many to poverty and starvation; that starving people who rely on the government to eat and feed their families make compliant citizens.

Many PoMo millennials also have been duped into believing that all the advances made by the West were built on the back of slavery, invasion, corruption and are the source of all the worlds evils. Any objectively minded individual researching the facts would be able to discount the lies behind this propaganda and see that in fact the reverse is the truth, but unfortunately many do not have the time or the energy or the logical wherewith-all to see through the lies and fabrication of a re-written history.

This is all part of the 'long march' through the institutions softening us up for the great 'reversal' where the 'new rulers', the 'neo-fuedalists' are going to rule by fiat and by lawfare and anyone who does not think/act/believe as they do are doomed to either legal penalties/re-education/exile or death, depending on the benevolence or malevolence of the one with power at moment. We are on the fast track to another form of dictatorship if history is any judge of the future.

If you think that I am being melodramatic in saying this; well I hope that is true.....but I fear that my children's future is not looking rosy and that the Trump phenomena is not the end of the slide into oblivion but a mere hiatus on the road to ruin along which the Western Left are leading us all down.

Monday, 11 September 2017


I have been pondering on and discussing with friends about the changes that are happening to my world, 'our' world, the immediate world that we inhabit and the causes of these changes.

Two non-fiction books that I am currently reading (teaching from the one) 1) Dinesh D'Souza's book America; Imagine a World Without It  and 2) The Genesis of Science by James Hannam have been both enlightening and inspiring.

History has a way of illuminating the present and foretelling the future in ways that those who seek to rewrite history are well aware of and is a primary reason why they want to eradicate it. Consider the activists in America, Australia and the UK who even now are trying to rewrite our histories, all in the name of 'tolerance' and 'acceptance of the other' of course. Nonsense! They have learned from the radicals that history is a great indicator of future and present actions and they want as much ignorance and misinformation to reign as possible because the uninformed are so much easier to hoodwink.

The climate change hoax is a case in point where the catch-cry of "the science is settled" is such an anti-science claim but to the un-initiated sounds acceptable, even correct. The Transsexual revolution and 'gender fluidity' is another anti-science crusade being undertaken in the 'name of science' and because the 4th estate is so complicit in the PoMo cultural revolution, they either are unaware of the irony or are comfortable with hiding the truth from we, the 'deplorables'.

What struch me in Dinesh D'Souza's book was the passage of how the American 'dream' has been shifted from its original intent to something out of the playbook of cultural Marxism in a fairly short period of time. It has also been interesting to reacquaint myself with the fact that the distaste that the elites in society have towards 'capitalism' is not new, and has in fact been the default position towards business and entrepreneurship throughout history:
If one unique principle of the American founding was the idea that all men are created equal and endowed with unalienable rights, a second unique principle is the creation of a free market society with business as the national vocation and the innovator and entrepreneur as the embodiment of the American dream. Marx understood this. Writing in the mid-nineteenth century, he termed the United States"the most modern example of bourgeois society". Yet America's commercial emphasis may seem unfamiliar to many today, because progressives have been attempting to redirect the energy of the American people - especially young people - away form the commercial sector toward the government sector. When I first came to the States in the late 1970's, the tone had been set by John F Kennedy. Kennedy said to Americans: If you are young, if you are idealistic, then do what? Join the Peace Corps! Become a public servant. For JFK, there were nobler things to do with your life than to work for a profit making corporation. If you did that, you were a greedy, selfish guy. But if you became a bureaucrat, or went on a Peace Corp mission and lived in a hut in Africa, you were a morally wonderful person. We hear the same thing from Obama, who routinely tells people in his graduation speeches: don't go for the brass ring, the corner office, the big promotion. Presumably he want Americans to become community organisers or union bosses or go to work for the federal government. In the progressive lexicon, "business" is a term of derision and becoming a political activist or a federal bureaucrat is what the American dream is all about. [pp. 50,51]
What is particularly ironic about all this is how Kennedy's father was one of Americas early 'robber Barons' and that in Australia today for the first time in history, the government sector are more highly enumerated than the private sector, an fiscal imbalance that cannot continue indefinitely for the simple reason that the money the government sector uses to pay its wages are generated via taxes paid by the private sector.

Governments do not generate money, they just spend it, and when they step into the business of running businesses they do it so badly that the economy collapses which is the lesson that should have been learned from history by the endless attempts at Socialism.

D'Souza goes on to explain the historical disdain towards business(free enterprise/capitalism) that seems to be a hallmark of our current administration in Australia (even though an alleged 'businessman' is at the helm; though bankers these days are more ideologues than they are entrepreneurs) as least and certainly within the main stream media worldwide:
The Founders(American constitutional) knew that , historically, in most cultures, business and trade were reviled. For nearly two millennia, across the world, the merchant and entrepreneur have been regarded as low-life sum. Confucius says, "The virtuous man knows what is noble. The low man knows what is profitable". In Japan, the social hierarchy placed the Imperial family and the lords at the top, the warriors or samurai below them, then the farmers and the artisans, and finally the merchants lowest of all. In the Indian caste system, the top rung is occupied by the priest, the next rung by the nobility, the next by the warriors, and down the list we go, until one step form the bottom, just above the hated untouchable, we find the merchant and trader. Historian Ibn Khaldun, one of the great Islamic thinkers of the middle ages, has an essay arguing that looting is a morally preferable way to trade to acquire wealth. Why? Because trade is based on exploitation of needs of others and is therefore base and shameful. Looting by contrast, is courageous and manly, since you have to defeat a rival in open combat and take his stuff. Even today in Europe, its better to have inherited money than earned money. Inherited money is seen as innocent, like manna dropped from heaven, while earned money is seen as the result of some sort of exploitation. The American Founders were well aware of this social hierarchy and they inverted it. In a sense they turned the whole totem pole upside down, so that in their new regime, the bottom-runged entrepreneur would come to the top. [pp. 51,52]
And of course this reversal of the 'historical order' helped to create the freest, most dynamic and successful culture that the world has ever seen. Progressives have been worked for a number of decades now to subvert the system back to the way it has always been. Today you seldom see a movie where the businessman is a hero, au contriare they are almost always the villain. Sure there are and have always been crooked con-men but many business leaders of the past have been exemplars of philanthropy and generosity.

I am on a roll and before I exhaust my readers any more I will leave the thought of 'where are we headed?' with you. Are we going to return to the feudalism of the historical past with a few elites ruling over what we think, feel, say or do, or are we going to return to the freedoms given by the American Constitution? I vote for the latter.

Friday, 8 September 2017


‘The most successful tyranny is not the one that uses force to assure uniformity but the one that removes the awareness of other possibilities.’ [Professor Allan Bloom, author of The Closing of the American Mind]

Tuesday, 5 September 2017


The shocking increases in lawlessness and thuggery that pepper our news services (those few which are reported at all and not ignored because of 'ideological unsuitability' that is) and threaten to overwhelm many neighbourhoods is the direct result of flawed 'academic' ideologies that I believe are part of the Gramscian strategy to break down Western society. Call me a conspiracy theorist if you wish but there is much hard evidence to support this claim.
In short, while academic criminology has had much to say about crime, most of it has been wrong. How can an academic discipline be so wrongheaded? And should we listen to criminologists today when, say, they call for prisons to be emptied, cops to act as glorified playground attendants, and criminal sentences to be dramatically reduced, if not eliminated? Answers to the first question are readily available—and suggest the answer to the second.
Granted, I acknowledge that many of the ideological absurdities that gain acceptance in the marketplace of ideas are not always propagated by 'long-march' strategists huddled over manuscript strewn desks, in smoke filled underground cellars as the dissemblers of 'conspiracy theories' would have you believe.

No, in fact many of the main instigators can be found in the top university's and 'think-tanks' of the West and many are completely convinced that their pet theories are correct and indeed beneficial to humankind. It was C S Lewis who maintained that the 'tyranny of do-gooders' was the most dangerous of all:
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
The problem with moral pretenders experimenting with their ideological theories is that they cause not only widespread social problems but they also contribute to an exponential loss of trust and belief in the forces of law and order. We need only witness the case of the bombing of the ACL offices in Canberra and the statement by police within one hour of the incident that:
'As a result of our conversations with the man, we have been able to establish that his actions were not politically, religiously or ideologically motivated,' Deputy Chief Police Officer Commander Mark Walters told reporters.[AAP]
What has subsequently emerged is that not only was the suspect in a coma at the time, but that the accused was in fact a homosexual activist who had on numerous occasions expressed antipathy towards the ACL and Lyle Shelton in particular.

The police leadership deliberately misled the public and in some cases continue to do so to this day and all in the name of 'political correctness' (cultural Marxism) or one might say; in the service of particular ideology's that have little to do with the police departments mandate to protect and serve the citizens of this country.

Unfortunately I have lived through such a thing before. I lived in Apartheid South Africa where the police force became little more than the political arm of the Apartheid regime and as a result lost all their authority in the eyes of the common man.

What followed were the vigilante killings and the 'rough justice' of 'necklacing' and arbitrary killings carried out on the streets of South African townships and suburbs.

Lawlessness still prevails in South Africa because when you break down decent civilisational values (Judeo-Christian) it takes a very long time to re-install them, if ever, if history is an indicator and I believe it is.

Monday, 4 September 2017


The sleight of hand tactics employed by those wishing to undermine the West (Judeo-Christian values) switched the 'conflict theory' from that of the 'proletariat vs. the bourgeoisie' (classic Marxism) to the post-modern concept of the 'oppressor vs. the oppressed', i.e victims and aggressors; which is what we have today. Post-modernism is nothing less (or more) than classical Marxism gussied up in the Emperors new 'clothes'