Thursday 14 September 2017


Too true Dinesh.....unfortunately a large part of post modern society no longer believe this to be true and even more are thinking negatively about America and the other Judeo-Christian nations because of the endless propaganda fed to them since kindergarten:
Since the American founding, the American formula of democratic self-government – of making the people control the rulers instead of the other way around – has become a virtually unquestioned norm for the world. Even governments that violate democracy pretend to rule on behalf of the people. Moreover, America’s focus on the entrepreneur has produced the most inventive and entrepreneurial society in history, which has benefited not just business owners but workers and ordinary people. Already by 1815, historian Daniel Walker Howe points out, Americans were better fed and in better health than their English counterparts. Between 1830 and 1950, America had the fastest growing economy in the world. By the mid-twentieth century, the American economy was so productive that a nation with around 5 percent of the world’s population accounted for one-fourth of the global economy. In America I am not surprised by how good the people at the top have it; I am amazed to see what a good life America has provided for its common man. Even people of little education and ordinary ability – I would go so far as to say even the unimpressive and the lazy – have nice homes and nice cars and take annual vacations. I do not believe that all this will be true in the future, but it has been true for the past half-century. (D D’Souza, America, p.54)
Reflect on how this view of the economy is being systematically undermined by the America's left wing potentates. How Obama directly attacked the foundations of economic growth with his "you didn't build that" quote:
The president's remarks reflected the belief, common among Democrats, that successful citizens owed their success partly to public infrastructure and government spending, and that they should contribute to finance public goods...(Wikipeadia)
In other words individuals did not build their own businesses, the State did it for them. Pure Marxist thinking!

Francis Schaeffer once said the very freedoms achieved by the Judeo-Christian worldview are the same tools that will be used to destroy it once people reject the foundation on which such a worldview was built. In a world without moral righteousness the freedoms of Western 'capitalism' become brigandage at the highest levels. We witness it nightly on the evening news...politicians ripping off the taxpayer left,right and centre.  South Australia is a contemporary, living example of such mad, tax-payer underwritten ideology at its most blatant;the climate change cult.

In a State blessed with abundant natural mineral riches which potentially enables us to generate almost limitless and inexpensive power we find instead a State labouring (pun intended) under the most expensive power prices in the WORLD. This fact plus the general fiscal and societal mismanagement on a colossal scale has reduced our State to that of the mendicant of Australia. These Marxist inspired policies have had devastating results on our economy, causing massive unemployment, skyrocketing utility bills, and fostering a climate(pun) antagonistic to any hope for future growth.

Of course Mugabe once said when questioned on if he regretted his Marxist policies and how they had devastated the economy of Zimbabwe, reducing many to poverty and starvation; that starving people who rely on the government to eat and feed their families make compliant citizens.

Many PoMo millennials also have been duped into believing that all the advances made by the West were built on the back of slavery, invasion, corruption and are the source of all the worlds evils. Any objectively minded individual researching the facts would be able to discount the lies behind this propaganda and see that in fact the reverse is the truth, but unfortunately many do not have the time or the energy or the logical wherewith-all to see through the lies and fabrication of a re-written history.

This is all part of the 'long march' through the institutions softening us up for the great 'reversal' where the 'new rulers', the 'neo-fuedalists' are going to rule by fiat and by lawfare and anyone who does not think/act/believe as they do are doomed to either legal penalties/re-education/exile or death, depending on the benevolence or malevolence of the one with power at moment. We are on the fast track to another form of dictatorship if history is any judge of the future.

If you think that I am being melodramatic in saying this; well I hope that is true.....but I fear that my children's future is not looking rosy and that the Trump phenomena is not the end of the slide into oblivion but a mere hiatus on the road to ruin along which the Western Left are leading us all down.

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