In short, while academic criminology has had much to say about crime, most of it has been wrong. How can an academic discipline be so wrongheaded? And should we listen to criminologists today when, say, they call for prisons to be emptied, cops to act as glorified playground attendants, and criminal sentences to be dramatically reduced, if not eliminated? Answers to the first question are readily available—and suggest the answer to the second., I acknowledge that many of the ideological absurdities that gain acceptance in the marketplace of ideas are not always propagated by 'long-march' strategists huddled over manuscript strewn desks, in smoke filled underground cellars as the dissemblers of 'conspiracy theories' would have you believe.
No, in fact many of the main instigators can be found in the top university's and 'think-tanks' of the West and many are completely convinced that their pet theories are correct and indeed beneficial to humankind. It was C S Lewis who maintained that the 'tyranny of do-gooders' was the most dangerous of all:
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”The problem with moral pretenders experimenting with their ideological theories is that they cause not only widespread social problems but they also contribute to an exponential loss of trust and belief in the forces of law and order. We need only witness the case of the bombing of the ACL offices in Canberra and the statement by police within one hour of the incident that:
'As a result of our conversations with the man, we have been able to establish that his actions were not politically, religiously or ideologically motivated,' Deputy Chief Police Officer Commander Mark Walters told reporters.[AAP]What has subsequently emerged is that not only was the suspect in a coma at the time, but that the accused was in fact a homosexual activist who had on numerous occasions expressed antipathy towards the ACL and Lyle Shelton in particular.
The police leadership deliberately misled the public and in some cases continue to do so to this day and all in the name of 'political correctness' (cultural Marxism) or one might say; in the service of particular ideology's that have little to do with the police departments mandate to protect and serve the citizens of this country.
Unfortunately I have lived through such a thing before. I lived in Apartheid South Africa where the police force became little more than the political arm of the Apartheid regime and as a result lost all their authority in the eyes of the common man.
What followed were the vigilante killings and the 'rough justice' of 'necklacing' and arbitrary killings carried out on the streets of South African townships and suburbs.

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