As an example I was watching (I can only stomach it for short periods) a clip of channel 10s 'the project' and marvelled at how adept these cultural Marxists (conscious or unconscious) are at the 'ole bait n switch' routine.
The segment was about how expensive electricity in Australia has become and would you believe it, but they chose to ignore completely the actual reason for the prices and proceeded to lay the blame at the feet of the 'greedy capitalists' who are exploiting the system. Talk about attacking the messenger!
It is exactly what happened with the Global Financial crisis in America...government interference in the marketplace that transforms 'free' enterprise into crony capitalism.
Sure we all know that there are greedy swines in business who care about nothing more than making a dollar, just as there are greedy swines in public broadcasting who make more dollars than those in the private arena and generally for less work I might add. In fact the more we back off from absolute morality the more such narcissistic greed and bad behaviour will emerge, but more on that obvious development at another time.
The point of this electricity debate is that the government are interfering in the marketplace by subsidising renewable's at such a rate as to make the cheaper coal and gas options unprofitable and that drives away investors.
The 'projects' Wally Taqiya and his stable-mate the truly sinister Carrie Bickmore (ever seen what happens to her eyes and face when presented with an argument against her pet ideologies? Whew! its enough to melt your marsh-mellows),
......anyway there they were professing to analyse the exorbitant prices of electricity (South Australia with abundant mineral resources, has the most expensive electricity on the planet) in Australia and blaming the greedy Electricity Suppliers for the problem.

Yes, the CEO of AGL is one crony capitalist who sees an opportunity to make dollars for himself and his shareholders(to which his bonus is tied) by abusing the marketplace. Take morality out of the marketplace and how can you blame him? Its rank hypocrisy to blame somebody for doing what you have a part in allowing in the first place isn't it.
But attacking the obvious capitalists amongst us...the banks, the Energy companies, the mining companies etc; sets up an Us vs. Them scenario, a classic play straight from Alinsky's 12 Rules For Radicals playbook. It also deflects the real source of the problem from its socialist, anarchist I said in the beginig classic bait & switch.
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