Tuesday 8 March 2011

Hypocrisy reigns

Michael Galak poses an interesting moral dilemma in his Quadrant essay of March the 7th:

Feel good, aid psychopaths...

...wherein he questions the unilateral aid given to Dictatorships and how such aid usually props up the dictator rather than helping those whom it is trying to assist and how many of these tyrants syphon off the money to their own bank accounts;
Most of the world’s tin-pot dictators are forthcoming and accommodating in letting Western aid in because Western charity helps tyrants to stay in power. Instead of spending their resources on food and medicines and infrastructure and schools and hospitals, they, like Lenin, can concentrate on what really matters to them - weapons, crowd control, and building armed forces. Then, there are always numbered Swiss bank accounts, so beloved by kleptocrats worldwide.
He makes a compelling argument, but I can already hear the putrid ranks of left wing luvvies overflowing with ad hominem attack on the sexist/Islamaphobic/racist/homophobic/extreme right-wing/ proponents of such a scheme.

The fact that most of these unbridled hypocrites hate the West and all it stands for is one thing, but the most egregious position of all is that almost all of these troglodytes say that they hate and despise Christianity and in fact blame the Christian Worldview for much of the tragedy in these countries. Yet they swoon with 'Christian' compassion at the sight of the underprivileged in these countries.

Where I ask does their compassion emanate from? Evolution is certainly not the harbinger of altruistic and 'wasteful' emotions. It is ruthlessly selfish and self promoting, 'red in tooth and claw' I think it has been expressed as...where then does such compassion come from if not from the law written on peoples hearts.


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