Friday 14 December 2012

Alas, poor baby boomers!

This tongue-in-cheek 'observation' on the decline of Western 'culture' shines a spotlight onto the ills that plague the arts and education in Australia today.

A perspicacious take when considered against the backdrop of recent statistics regarding the examination of the level of reading/comprehension education amongst year 4's.

Australia scored last amongst developed nations and on the same level as non-English speaking countries like Slovenia, Lithuania etc. This besides the fact that the labor government have poured countless billions into 'education'.

Surely any thinking person would question why these results are as they are. Unfortunately most are blinded by the Gramscian assault on the 'instituions of meaning'. The minority (consciously or unconsciously neo-Marxist) subversives have won this long march through the institutions.

What now remains to be seen is  whether or not the silent majority have been sufficiently brainwashed to allow it to continue. Time will tell.

In the meantime this excerpt exposes our current 'educational' paradigm for what it is.
Longfellow, wrong fellow
by Christopher Akehurst    December 12, 2012

I came across some lines by Longfellow I remember my mother singing in the kitchen, a song learnt in her schooldays at University High in Melbourne in the late 1920s. They seem to me to illuminate some of the changes in our society since then.

Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time;

Footprints that, perhaps another,
Sailing o'er life's solemn main,
A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
Seeing, shall take heart again.
Inspiring though they were considered in the past, if anyone today suggested singing those words in a school, or anywhere, imagine the objections. Patriarchal language - men, brother. Elitism - great. Discredited top-down history - lives of great men all remind us. Judgmentalism towards diverse lifestyles - forlorn and shipwrecked brother. How can we know that the brother's lifestyle is not an alternative one with which he is perfectly content, and is merely perceived as forlorn and shipwrecked by those blinded by bourgeois notions of success?
 Sexism - why shouldn't the "brother" be a sister, or transgender? Seeing? Well, there are other ways of apprehending, and "seeing" might just be a bit inappropriate towards the visually impaired. Take heart? [S]he doesn't need to take heart, whatever that means, just to have her/his human rights recognised, to be affirmed as a person and to have a suitable recompense paid for the disadvantages inflicted by "society" in the course of shipwrecking her/him.
 As for footprints on the sands of time, well, we would be told there have been quite enough of those, thank you, in the form both of the culturally genocidal footprints of colonisers and imperialists the world over and the carbon sort we selfishly leave today. What we want today is fewer footprints, not the encouragement to leave more.
 If Longfellow were writing today he would be instructed, at the risk of losing an arts grant, to put some lines together not about our egotistically aspiring to make our own lives sublime, but exhorting us to devote our efforts to restoring to the planet the sublimity it had before all those "great men" came along and with their discoveries and inventions mucked it up.

Ho Ho Ho! Amusing but sadly very true.
I know,as a practitioner of the fine arts how 'politically correct' (insert neo-Marxist here) the art-world is and how confining the unwritten (but strictly enforced) 'rules' are.

Anyone confessing to an orthodox Christian worldview need not even apply.
All heterosexual white males from the age of 50 need to understand that they are the perpetrators of all the disgusting crimes visited upon all of the 'innocent' cultures (Avatar!), and are therefore not in a position to contribute, assess, judge or participate in any future 'cultural' activities...thank you very much!
"Off with their heads" cry the matriarchal queens.

When is too much enough. Rise up Gideon!

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