Wednesday 10 July 2013

Going, going, ....!

This is a prescription for Babel:
The question the Obama administration, like all progressive organizations, wishes to elide is whether demanding that an extremely intolerant, tyrannical faction be allowed to participate as an equal partner in a "democratic political process" is not a recipe for a speedy drift into tyranny. In fact, arguments for compromise with tyranny made in the name of "peace" and "justice" are the progressives' stock-in-trade in both domestic and foreign policy, as these have been pursued throughout the late modern world.
The League of Nations and the United Nations were progressive ideas, grand moral equivalency schemes foisted upon the West by men who wished to achieve gradually what the world's tyrants wished to achieve immediately, namely "global governance" in the name of collectivist peace. The abolition of property rights, the dilution of national sovereignty, and the establishment of an international technocratic elite that would supersede elected governments and seek peace through compromise of the fundamental principles of individualism and freedom -- these progressive goals lulled the West into a sleepwalk through fascism, and finally built an entire culture of apologetics for the spread of communism.

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Get ready folks, the 'progressive' capture of the education system in the West has been steadily preparing the sheep (lemmings) for this form of a takeover by subtly removing anything in the education system which requires logical and independent thinking and replacing it with neo-Marxist thought (political correctness) and false 'enviromentalism' which is at its base misanthropic in the extreme.

The result of such collectivised and indoctrinated thought in Australia is that most of the young are lock-stock-and barrel behind the most duplicitous, incoherent, narcissistic and just plain despotic 'prime minister' this country has ever seen, just as the 'progressives' in America were behind Obama. Both of these populist 'leaders' (puppets) had shaky political histories that reeked of compromise, failure, ideological claptrap and power obsessions.

I do not really care what happens in 20-30 years time for my own sake, I will probably be dead, but I care for the sake of my children and grand children. It is for their sake that I shall persist in making an irritant of myself at every opportunity in order to provoke and cause us all (self included) to consider our political choices. To question the motives and examine the histories of those inclined to political power. To consider the consequences of our political choices. To provoke intelligent people who have been seduced by the snake-oil sales patter to re-evaluate their choices and to consider that maybe the Post Modern 'cult of personality/celebrity' has enabled these ideologues to blind the eyes of good people with fine sounding but ultimately empty words.

We live in a world where a moral man who happens to have a religious worldview is, as a result of said worldview; lampooned as a bully, insensitive and most laughably of all as a misogynist (he has three daughters who obviously love him, a loving wife, a female vice president, and a female head of staff).
We live in world where vice, deceit and lies win.
We live in a world where good is bad and bad is good.........sound familiar?
We live in a world that ends, not with a bang but with a whimper. [Hat tip T.S.]

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