Wednesday 23 October 2013

Over hyped under achiever

The diminished legacy of that towering intellect who goes by the name of Barack Obama:
The current situation in the Middle East is a product of the efforts of four Obama aides: Samantha Power, a strange and unsettling woman with two apparent goals in this world: the exaltation of the Arab Islamists and the abject destruction of Israel. Susan Rice is a career diplomat who lacks, along with other basic talents, an ability to lie convincingly. Hillary Clinton is the exact female equivalent of Obama: a woman of no ability apart from a certain feral cleverness boosted to high status for purely ideological reasons. (We're omitting Huma Abedin to this list due to the fact that she's Hillary's). Valerie Jarrett has a past even more opaque than that of Obama himself -- about all we know is that she is Obama's closest aide and is Iran-born.
 No person of even normal perceptiveness would have hired this coven, or would have stood by as they left a wake of destruction and misery across the Near East and the Mediterranean littoral. No person of decency would tolerate the results. But Obama doesn't even seem aware that anything is wrong. He does not appear to grasp that things have changed for the worse and require correction.
Another characteristic of stupidity is that it is neverending. Once it starts rolling, it continues onward until it at last finds a cliff to go over.Back to Cocteau, who had a lot to say about the subject: "The problem with the modern world is that stupidity has begun to think."
Cocteau was referring to the brute ideologies of the 20th century, ideologies that required, first and above all, the truncation of the questing and questioning facets of human nature in order to operate. Liberalism has long since joined that lineup, long enough ago for intellectual sclerosis to have reached its peak. Obama is the perfect representative of this final collapse of the liberal black hole: the leading ideologue who believes just a fervently as his most doltish follower, because he has never been exposed to an alternative. Liberalism today is a collection of slogans vague enough to be slotted into just about any given situation. Obama mastered those slogans long ago, and believes that's all he needs to do. His cult, the media, and half the country believe it too. The chief error of ideologues of this type is that they truly think that they'll remain immune to the consequences of folly. But this is something not granted to any man. Stupidity twinned with arrogance creates its own nemesis. Obama has just about reached that point.
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