Tuesday 10 March 2015

Ironic vandalism

I have just been reading two different articles, one on the overwhelming evidence found in archeology which points towards the accuracy of historical claims in the Bible:
It is possible to tour a selection of the museum’s exhibits that constitute an outstanding summary of the whole field of archaeological discovery relating to the Bible. In today’s secular climate, most people have no idea how much powerful evidence exists for the literal accuracy of the biblical record.
...and the other on the extreme destruction being waged by ISIS on monuments of the ancient Assyrian Empire.

Both incidentally are about the Assyrian Empire.

It appears that ISIS are not only trying to wipe out the historical past of  Iraq, they are also destroying evidence that points to the accuracy of the Bible. I wonder why? I wonder who is actually manipulating these uneducated, savage beasts to do this? the answer is not hard to guess.

But the true irony behind this destruction of the past lies for me in the outpouring of indignation by Western scholars about this destruction of historical monuments. Yes, undoubtedly such cultural sabotage is shocking, it is mindless vandalism, it is inexcusable and it displays the mentality of those who populate the ISIS universe, but the irony lies in the fact that these same Western 'academics' have been trying to REWRITE HISTORY IN THEIR OWN IMAGE, i.e. those of secular an/or left-wing political values for DECADES in University after University and when in power, in the political laws passed in Western country after country, just as Orwell predicted in 1984.

They have been waging their own war on truth for most of the past two hundred years. These 'academics' are just as much vandals as the ISIS morons, albeit the methods they employ are more subtle and less obvious, albeit that much of the blame for the inroads they have been able to make can also be laid at the foot of Christians who have eschewed intellectual reason, academic rigour and debate, all of which have contributed to an atmosphere where the secular 'intellectuals' have been able to hoodwink the vast majority of the population into believing that their version of the truth is the correct one.

It is simply not true and the fact that many of these monuments that are being destroyed by ISIS point to the truth of the biblical account makes the outcry all the more interesting don't you think?

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