Thursday 17 September 2015


I agree with Merv Bendle. The new 'progressive' initiatives which have seduced the majority of Australians are very dangerous to the future of Australians in general and yet many otherwise intelligent people appear blinkered to the risk...why?:
All of these areas of public policy share one crucial characteristic – they involve the mobilization of state power to impose vast new structures of tightly regulated behaviour upon society that would not otherwise have evolved of their own accord. They also necessitate massive bureaucracies based on the Promethean assumption that the almost infinite intricacies of social, economic, and ecological life can be grasped, modelled, manipulated, and directed by the apparatus of the state (in which, of course, much of Turnbull’s progressivist constituency would be employed).
And let there be no doubt about it, this is the progressivist agenda: systematically to erode the power and autonomy of the individual, the family, the community and civil society, and to replace them with the Leviathan State, with its great tangled mass of bureaucratic tentacles reaching down to surveil, regulate and ultimately strangle the most intimate of personal and social relationships, covering every area of life.
I believe that the promotion of these invasive new dictates has succeeded because they have been couched in the emotive packaging so beloved of societal 'guru's' such as Oprah and the myriad of women's 'table talk' forums that have erupted on daytime television, and are of course echoed by their morning and late-night male counterparts who have been equally seduced or cannot dare be seen to be 'patriarchal' in any sense of the word. Thereafter these emotionally laden catch-phrases and literary Trojan horses are widely picked up and disseminated throughout the main-stream-media who add their peculiar prejudices into the mix, prejudices that are to a massive extent left of the left.

'marriage EQUALITY',  a myriad of RIGHTS with little to no responsibilites, PRO CHOICE, REFUGEES rather than illegal immigrants etc.

Political Correctness, which is one of the foundational 'attack dogs' of the new 'progressive' worldview, has set the scene for these freshly minted, manipulative initiatives currently in vogue amongst the chatterati/twitterati. That plus the reality that there has been an almost total domination of the university/higher education sector by neo-Marxist post-modernists who have deconstructed the search for truth and meaning into a quixotic quest and redefined truth down to an 'expert opinion.' 

Thus we find ourselves awash in 'experts' all of whom bear the mark of the university stamp of approval...Ouroboros anyone?

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