Monday 9 January 2017


Too damn true mate! 
The everyday person whose life is busy, busy, busy and whose recreation is sacrosanct by necessity has no time to check the veracity of main-stream-media proclamations. Which is exactly what the MSM relies on and is how they have been able to get away with propagating outright lies, slurs and propaganda. NO MORE!
Yet that doesn’t matter to the leftist media, who will drive thousands of vulnerable minorities to their deaths if it serves their agenda. I wrote about this phenomenon in these pages back in September, but in the context of the gay marriage plebiscite. I said there would indeed be a spike in LGBT suicides during the campaign, because the media would do everything in its power to convince queer youths that Australia is a country full of hateful bigots who want them dead. Josh Manuatu – as good a chap as they come, and gay to boot – criticised those of us who took that line in an article for Flat White, saying ‘the stereotype that all homosexuals are sad, impulsive and not in control of their emotions to the extent that a TV advertisement may force them to commit suicide is… offensive and deeply demeaning’. Sorry, mate, but you missed the point. It’s not that gays are gullible, hysterical dupes: it’s that most people are gullible, hysterical dupes. Including, at least until recently, yours truly. The media knows that, and they play us like Neronian fiddles. There’s no lie too unfounded, no conspiracy too bat-shit crazy, for them to print – or for us to believe.
Those of us who’ve taken the red pill now have a duty to speak up on behalf of those still laboring under the media’s intricate, self-serving Matrix. We have to expose the mainstream press for what it is: an international conspiracy to spread left-wing propaganda. Because they’re not just a threat to our democracy anymore. They’re also endangering the lives of millions of innocent dimwits. To (mis)quote the late, great, William F. Buckley: ‘Cancel your god-damn subscriptions.’    [Michael Davis]

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