Monday 8 May 2017


The collapse and fall of Western Academia is well illustrated in the following article on how MIT, a once prestigious and reliable academic institution in the Western Tradition and a past incubator of 87 Nobel Prize laureates has succumbed to that intellectual vacuum called 'Post Modernism', an ideology of anarchist philosophy, Dadaist nonsense and anti-Western propaganda.

Interestingly (or sadly) the author of this little communist propaganda gem calls herself an 'artist'.

Of course in the afterglow of Marcel Duchamp; the 'artist/intellectual' voted by the worlds 'progressive art collective' as the person who made the greatest impact on the world of art during the 20th century, anyone who chooses too can call himself/herself/itself  an artist, and therefore whatever he/she/it makes is ART, even when the arts made by these 'artists' is perceived by most 'ordinary' folk as rubbish, weak, easy, childish, pathetic, ugly, immoral etc.

Art is made out of a worldview and if what has been made over the past 3 decades or so is really 'art' and if politics (and therefore public policy making) is indeed 'downstream from culture'; then we are in for a torrid next few years. Or to rephrase that by referencing this MIT publication: We are in the PooPoo!

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