Monday 4 July 2011

Eco-fascism rears its head!

I blogged in 'Swamp Life' about the superficial emotionalism that appears to be an emerging cultural paradigm within the West. Perhaps this article:  illustrates how such a shallow view of life provides the opportunity for those in our society with totalitarian impulses to gain a foothold they might otherwise have struggled to achieve.
Demagoguery sweeps aside all attempts to conduct a reasoned debate and appeals instead to people's emotions, instincts, and prejudices in a deliberately exaggerated and manipulative fashion. Hamilton made his views here quite explicit, speaking about the nature of Green propaganda: “The purpose of political exaggeration is to stimulate stronger emotional responses, usually fear, and make [people] more likely to act in the way desired” by those seeking to manipulate the people.
Hans Rookmaaker has stated that manipulation works as a 'hidden persuader', and I would invite all to examine how the main stream media tend to 'hide' indiscretions, lies and obvious lunacy on the part of the left-wing from public scrutiny whilst exaggerating the most insignificant errors from the conservative side of politics.

Thank goodness for the Internet I say, and bring on a new election, hopefully before  Ju liar and Sideshow Bob wreck the economy forever.

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