Sunday 10 July 2011

Watermelon Utopia

Read this:  and you will realise that the 'carbon tax' is not about preventing a worldwide catastrophe, nor is it the result of environmentalist concern for our world. Rather it is an unrepentant ideological grab for taxes, a redistribution of wealth and an attempt to manipulate our culture to conform to the ideal of a Watermelon Utopia.

Unfortunately history, (a subject much maligned by Gramscian Pomo's...why? Truman provided that answer!) shows that socialist economies eventually implode causing untold misery for the poor and powerless...the very people Labor are reputedly trying to protect. This government is all about spin, smoke and mirrors and a bare-faced grab for power all of which combine to make the current Gillard oligarchy, liars of a truly frightening magnitude.

Yes we need to treat our world with greater respect, we must up the ante as stewards of this earth but for goodness sake don't lets fall into the trap of flirting with a paganistic attitude toward the concept of 'gaia'.

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