Thursday 29 November 2012

The cultural War of the Worlds!

Let us now agree to put aside politik-speak and start calling a spade a spade:
For what it illuminates is nothing less than our ongoing culture war, in which political correctness — which should really be called cultural Marxism — is being used by the Left to revolutionise society by undermining and subverting its core beliefs.
So, fundamental values embodied in issues such as immigration, national identity, marriage and family and many others are under systematic assault, while all who seek to defend them are vilified as bigots, swivel-eyed extremists and lunatics.
This has not been achieved by any one organisation imbued with mythical and conspiratorial powers. It has occurred over decades as a result of two main factors.
The first was the steady rise into power, across the universities, media, professions, political parties and civil service, of those whose opinions were shaped in the Sixties and Seventies by the New Left, which believed in the cultural transformation of society

This 'New Left' as Melanie Phillips describes them are, I believe, in equal parts a manifestation of Nietzsche's 'will to power' married to the neo-Marxist ideology of Antonio Gramsci.

Power is achieved by the 'long march through the institutions', where Western society is not conquered by physical revolution but by infiltrating and subverting the 'organs of education and culture' i.e. the Churches, schools, Universities, carriers of 'popular culture' (TV, Movies, documentaries etc) and most importantly the main-stream-media.

I make particular note of the infiltration of Churches and look with suspicion on ideologically driven philosophies such as; liberation theology, the 'social' gospel and seeker sensitive 'churches' to name but a few. The notable attack on approaching the gospel with any hint of intellectual examination (not bilical by the way) found in the average western church has resulted in the body of Christ being infiltrated by ideologies that most do not even know exist. Note how Paul describes how the god of this world has blinded the minds of people. (2 Cor 4:4)

If we read church history and in particular the philosophical attacks that occurred on the churches during the first century and the calibre of Christian who stood against these attacks, it is easy to see how far short we have fallen in this new age, the age touted to have produced the most 'educated' of generations.

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