Wednesday 14 November 2012

Thoughts from a tiny mind.

Unfortunately the Church today just does not equip the average believer to walk in the real world.
Lutzer reminds us that the Western church has largely fallen into the same trap that the German church had: a bifurcated church. Hitler told the church to just stick to their business, and leave the rest to him. We are hearing the exact same things today with many believers thinking their faith has no connection at all with the political, social and cultural world around them.
And various types of hate crimes laws, and vilification and discrimination legislation are reinforcing this. Increasingly the church is being told it cannot enter the public arena with its beliefs, but must simply remain silent in the public square. And many believers are foolishly going along with this. (Meuhlenberg 12.11.12)
The re-election of Obama is a classic illustration of this. Nowhere else in American history has a man more opposed to everything that made America great, i.e. its Judeo-Christian heritage, been able to pull the wool over evangelical Christians eyes. Yes he sometimes calls himself a Christian, so did Hitler at the very beginning of his tenure as 'Fuhrer'. Yet this mans history (Obama) and those who have discipled him his whole life are there for any person to research. How can an estimated 8 million 'evangelicals' still vote for such a man. It boggles my tiny little mind.

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