Sunday 25 December 2016


We are in danger when we take our Liberal Democracy for granted.
Just as we are in danger when we take friendships, or marriages, or partnerships for granted.

We did not just arrive at our current state of being!
It is not some self-evident evolutionary accident that comes about as the result of time + chance.
It is the result of a worldview; a paradigm if you will, a way-of-seeing the world and its potential and taking that perspective and marrying it to hard work, sacrifice, painful lessons learned, chances taken, lives lost and a solid framework of freedom, liberty, property rights, law and goodwill that has made Australia into the successful nation that it currently is. These 'fundamentals' are under attack.

21st Century Australia has reached a point where the Fabian/Gramscian 5th Columnists have almost completed their occupation of the cultural 'high ground', that is; education, law, State & federal bureaucracies, the arts, academia and the media and in doing so have lulled many average Aussies into a false sense of security and a belief that our culture will continue on its present peaceful and prosperous path without a hiccup.

For example we are confronted with carpetbagging politicians on all 'sides' voicing syrupy, sanctimonious, infantilising untruths selling the plainly illogical lies that would have us believe that it is possible to hand out masses of 'free' goodies ad infinitum, all the while building up crippling debts but doing so without penalty and/or making any sacrifices.

All we have to do is ask ourselves if we could run our personal accounts like that.

But our itching ears want to hear such things and the fantasy continues, but the real 'twist' is that these occupiers of the cultural 'high-ground' are actually waging a subtle war on the very things that they are promising to us. These ideologues are not happy with the current state of the Western ideas of freedom, either economic or personal. Many are radicals who are violently opposed to the fundamentals that have provided for our current levels of civilisation and success and they are committed to destroying our way of life and replacing it with the models they view as the 'correct' one.

And one of the ways they are doing it is by scaring the population: the Anthropogenic Global Warming scam began as the Global Cooling danger of the 60's. The overpopulation fears, Y2K, the running out of water, food, oil, space, etc,etc. The activists use these scares to inveigle huge sums out of money the taxpayer. Of course there is nothing new about this, these struggles for power and cash have been going on since time immemorial the only things changing are the scares and those who are being ripped off.

A new wrinkle has been that social media and the internet are making many of the heretofore hidden details of motivations and intentions quite accessible if one is prepared (or has the time) to read and research through the masses of conspiracy theories, obvious lies, misinformation and methods so readily available on the net.

Our way of life is not inevitable nor is it able to survive without a struggle. There will always be forces striving to gain power, prestige or comfort at others expense. The theory's that sound so good usually are too good to be true and appear that way because they seldom take human nature into account, and most of the 'replacement philosophy's' these days are academic rather than real. The 'models' rather than the data.

George Orwell — 'Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.'
The problem we face for our children's sake is that if we surrender our culture through ignorance it is probably true that it will be lost forever...of at the very least, for a very long time.

Hence the importance of the following article:

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