Saturday 31 December 2016


This excerpt is from an article on one of the 'brave new intellectual' magazines that has hit the online (and print) world called the Jacobin. I do love the artwork by the way...I wish a few conservative magazines would take a leaf out of their book!
It promotes left-wing socialism (calls itself Marxist) yet embraces 'capitalistic' methodologies to exist and grow and sees no conflict in its actions...typical of today's 'young intellectuals' who view the world as owing them something and are therefore entitled to break any and all rules to achieve their 'rights'.
"This kind of business sense — what Sunkara calls “petty-bourgeois hustling” — has always been a part of his management of Jacobin. Back in 2010, when he realized the digital-only publication was drawing only a small audience, he used all the revenue he had from 100 four-issue subscriptions to fund the first print run. Between issues one and two, he gained another one hundred subscribers, the revenue from which he used to finance another issue. Slowly, but not without risk, the magazine grew and approached stability.

“I want to run the magazine productively, as efficiently as a business would run it,” Sunkara says. He’s trying become more comfortable running the company at a small deficit if it means growth in the longterm. Someday in the near future, he might even draw a full-time paycheck.
 “Even though we’re the most Marxist publication out of this new wave of publications, I think we’re very much the most in tune with making our business strategies and our development strategies integral with everything else,” he says. “I think a lot of times when people look at young publications, and want to see what they’re doing right, they often talk about enthusiasm and other things that people like to associate with young people, instead of looking at their success and just seeing solid fundamentals.”[E R Goldstein
They recognise no logical inconsistencies in their approach because they have no logical training and are therefore by definition; not truly intellectual at all. Their delusional modus operandi embraces a form of self-blindness all the while navigating the slippery slopes of the moral high ground, a logically dangerous practice for the simple reason that like the mythical Ouroboros,

.......the very people they attract are probably the same ones who will likely cause their demise, just like the leader of the historical Jacobin's was killed by the very revolutionaries he led and inspired and just as we are witnessing how many left-wingers are currently being attacked by the more extreme Social Justice Warriors in their is precisely the sort of behaviour that has allowed both Brexit and Trump to emerge.

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