Wednesday 21 December 2016


I watched some mindless TV over lunch today. An entertainment/info program but was struck (once more) by the whole fake news idea. Many of these programs trumpet that they provide the latest, up-to-date news but are in reality little more than propaganda for the producers/telehosts/writers to push their ideologies on the unsuspecting viewer. 

Hans Rookmaaker once said that propaganda only works when it operates as a 'hidden persuader' and in my opinion, many of these daytime 'entertainment' shows are operating as hidden persuaders.

Anyway, today's drivel concerned shark nets....and their 'expert' concluded that shark nets are a barbaric invention designed to brutally 'murder' defenceless sharks and that they are in use not to defend people but to prevent people from litigating against the State Government if there is an attack. In today's litigious environment I have no doubt that such a prospect does exist, but I grew up in a non-litigious society and whose shark nets provided protection for decades. Anyway his whole approach was permeated by anthropomorphism and reinforced my observation that too many of these eco-warriors who scream blue murder at the death of a cold blooded fish are quite cool in the face of mass murder of humans and in particular fact many of these Social Justice Warriors are quite misanthropic in their ideology, which begs the question; what is their motivation?

His solution?...To use the latest technology...sound familiar Green energy people? 
He then pontificates on the use of drones (I have no objection to drones or technology BTW)...and provides us with entirely fictitious costings such as: " it costs 10$ per hour to keep a drone in the air. Anyone who has a drone or knows anyone who operate commercial drones will know immediately that such costings are straight out of Green ideology's;  Environmentally friendly book of fantastical, wish-fulfilling costings for masters of the universe!  
in other words completely fictitious and intended to subdue arguments of a 'capitalistic' nature.

The problem with the experts trotted out by TV shows is that they all seem to read from the same playbook. When last did you see a dissenting argument against the eco-friendly, saccharine sweet, politically correct, mumbo jumbo, psycho-babble advanced by the 'progressive' left?

For a more balanced take on the subject lets look at the EVIDENCES...
Whoa! who swore? Aaaaargh!....take me to my SAFE PLACE quickly before I faint or start crying.

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