Wednesday 7 December 2016


When are people going to realise that the Marxist inspired (and they no longer deny it) 'Left/Green' ideology is anti-work, anti-family, anti-jobs, anti-social, anti-successful business small or large, in short they are anti everything that modern civilisation holds dear and they believe that if only they can get a hold of the institutions of learning they can manipulate people into believing as they do:
"....the fundamental problem with the Left is what Friedrich Hayek called the fatal conceit: the delusion that experts are wise enough to redesign society."
Their whole intention is to bring down Western civilisation through propaganda, re-education, social programs and the re-writing of history in order to replace it with a new 'feudalism' where they are the aristocrats and we are the serfs:
 “….today’s progressives promote social control and the consolidation of a cognitively determined world order. Its promise amounts to forging a kind of high-tech middle ages in which the new aristocracy—techies, media grandees, financial moguls, academics, high-level bureaucrats—dominate while the middle class becomes increasingly serf-like. (J Kotkin 2016)
Take careful note that the majority of Green movers and shakers are rich, they have reached a position in society that protects them from the banality's and consequences of their ideologies (for now!) and now that they have made comfortable lives for themselves they want to protect them at all cost from the 'deplorables'. These are the masters-of-the-universe behind the Utopian daydream that the 'ideal society' is a socialist one. 

They refuse (alternatively: too ignorant?) to learn from other deterministic social experiments such as; Nicaragua, Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, China, Angola, Zimbabwe et al, where the only ones who live in 'paradise' are the ones at the top of the heap (and who annihilate the 'intellectuals' [Stalin's useful idiots] on their way up!), everyone else is kept in a state of penury and starvation; as Robert Mugabe remarked: "it is easy to control one whose primary needs can only be met by government". 

These are fanatical, ideologically driven bozo's and the sooner we learn to ignore their constant wailing the sooner Australia will be a better place.

Unfortunately they are assisted by the 4th estate acting as a 5th column within Australia because the training, education and employment of journalist is undertaken by those who are by far more ideologically opposed to the Western model than the average man-in-the-street:
The faculties of journalism are churning out a conga line of brainwashed robots who all sing from the same songbook. They are totally indoctrinated - first at high school and then at the journalism schools - and have precisely no exposure to or understanding of business and its importance to our life, of conservative politics, of the legitimacy of differing opinions, or of the fundamental structure of a true democracy.
The educational systems have been almost entirely captured by the Left:
A whole course for Years 9-10, involving ten lessons, is devoted to the book “This Changes Everything”, an anti-capitalism, anti-fossil-fuel polemic by Canadian activist Naomi Klein.[2] She advocates populist uprisings – “Blockadia” — against fossil-energy developments, and for gigantic dollar transfers to (mostly corrupt) Third World governments to repay the West’s (mythical) “climate debt”. She attacks even the major green groups such as WWF and Nature Conservancy as sell-outs to the fossil-fuel industry.
Not only students are being targeted by the left but the teachers as well, those who have not yet capitulated to the left already that is:
News today that Australian “Safe Schools” operatives are pushing a global teacher training program designed to shame people who believe in marriage between one man and one woman and who resist radical gender theory should be of concern to parents.
“It is alarming that Australian ‘Safe Schools’ organisers want the next generation of teachers to view anyone who believes marriage is between one man and one woman as ‘modern homophobes’,” Australian Christian Lobby managing director Lyle Shelton said.
When are we, the ordinary citizens, going to wake up and vote in a man (or woman; P Credlin?) of power and character who will shut down these anti-Australian misanthropes and cause them to gnash their teeth like their comrades are in America!

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