Monday 14 August 2017


Some more information on the Soviet Socialist Utopia of Victoria in Australia...aka Desperate Dan's secret mosh-pit:
Every dictatorship worth its salt knows that a fundamental way to cement power and keep the masses in control is to separate children from their parents. When the state usurps the role of parents, the task of creating a compliant and comatose citizenry becomes infinitely easier to achieve.
Thus all the totalist states have specialised in separating parent from child. Instead of children looking to their own parents for guidance in all things, including moral and spiritual development, they look to the all-powerful state. This worked wonders for the Communists and other coercive utopians.
So it is no surprise that today’s secular left governments are happy to follow suit. And in Australia we have no greater example of this than Dictator Dan Andrews’ Labor government in Victoria. [B Muehlenberg]

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