Friday 11 August 2017


All the gefuffel over same sex marriage, which affects a tiny, tiny, tiny minority serves to illustrate the woeful worldviews that govern the ruling aristocracy in our country. Our pollies and those of most others in the modern West appear to have lost sight of the qualities that have established the most successful civilisation that the world has ever known.

Whilst they indulge in Neronic fiddling or like the 19th century Russian monks debating how many angels could dance on the head of a pin; the economy, electricity prices (which affects our livelihoods) jobs, justice, and many other vastly more important issues are abandoned and left to whither and die on the 'too-hard' vine.

I have written before about the dangerous 'big lie'* that 'progressives' (I dislike that sobriquet because it in itself is a big, fat lie) have infiltrated into the culture; i.e. that culture is on an ever increasing trajectory to becoming 'better' and 'better' merely because of the evolutionary imperative. History show us just what a lie that is:
"One of the most dangerous errors instilled into us by the nineteenth-century progressive optimism is the idea that civilisation is automatically bound to increase and spread. The lesson of history is the opposite. [C S Lewis]"
Positive cultures are not some automatic outgrowth that just appears if you give human interaction enough time. Good culture requires sacrifice, determination, hard work, good habits, practical education, good will, strong hearts and a long-tern vision as opposed to immediate gratification... amongst many other qualities.

In most observable instances our current 'aristocracy' believes that the Judeo-Christian foundation upon which the West has been built by previous generations (following the characteristics listed above), is not only faulty but dangerous. They have been convinced or have deluded themselves into believing that they know how to build a better culture. That all they have to do is tear down this one and they will be able to build a superior one using Socialist precepts, thus we have hard-core Socialists of the Corbyn, Trudeau, Sanders variety (masquerading as 'moderates') influencing millions upon millions of 'useful idiots'#. 

Of course history shows us that this system has been tried before, quite number of times in fact, and every time it has been tried it has been found wanting. In fact it has been less wanting than disastrous and has been the cause of more heartache and devastation to humans than any other worldview in the recorded past.
Perhaps because of this our educational elite have altered the curriculum to avoid accurate reflections on the past. In fact we now focus on social engineering rather than developing intellectual and critical skills, and this where my conspiracy suspicions (which I detest) begin to kick in.

Perhaps what is really going on is that our 'ruling elite' want to create chaos, perhaps it is true that they want to devastate the economy, the justice system, bring trust in the media to an that we turn in desperation to 'big brother'; i.e. the government, for handouts, for safety, for guidance as so many do in times of trouble. I believe it was Mugabe who said that a starving people are more malleable, more inclined to be obedient than a satisfied, articulate and competent peasantry who are apt to be questioning and potentially fractious.

Looking back at history I think our ruling elites, particularly the political class, resemble the stories told about Palace intrigues, about the infighting experienced by those at the cronyism end of the spectrum, forever squabbling over the spoils, forever jockeying for position.

This reveals a lot about the state of our culture and the fact that the real divide is not between white and black, or religious differences as much as it reveals a divide between a new feudal hierarchy and the rest of us.

*The 'Big Lie' is what Hitler wrote about in Mein Kampf  as a tool of propaganda:
the use of a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. [Wikipedia]
# Purported to be a phrase used by Lenin to indicate the help of communist dupes in the West.

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