Wednesday 23 August 2017


Recently we have all been made painfully aware of how Google and Facebook have become part of the problem in media bias. We have seen numerous examples of those who question the left-wing orthodoxy being excoriated and/or fired, same in the media and academia which are another two foundational fields of post-modern culture in the West at the moment.

This bias has become quite obvious on some levels and less so on others. For example, it has come to my notice that the algorithms behind search engines on our most popular and therefore most popular internet sources are deliberately set to bring the most ‘favourable info’ (favourable that is to the left/progressive alliances) to first in line and even to stack the first many pages of enquiries with information favourable to the orthodoxy.

Which means that in order to find unbiased or at least alternative view-points it becomes necessary to ‘dig deeper’. Of course this is not always obvious for the simple reason that some ‘conservative sites’ have such a large hit rate, but these bias instructing algorithms do exist and it behoves us all to make the extra effort to source out information effectively. That is why I was so impressed with Rosaria Butterworths exhortation about necessary and correct reading habits re our spiritual development, which I believe is equally applicable to all matters of the intellectual life:

Worldview matters. And if we don't reach back before the 19th century, back to the Bible itself, the Westminster divines, and the Puritans, we will limp along, defeated. Yes, the Holy Spirit gives you a heart of flesh and the mind to understand and love the Lord and his Word. But without good reading practices even this redeemed heart grows flabby, weak, shaky, and ill. You cannot lose your salvation, but you can lose everything else.

We witness on a daily basis the reality that activist’s for same sex marriage who are in charge of large TAXPAYER FUNDED CORPORATIONS are unashamed to use those positions of responsibility to push their personal agendas through intimidation and bullying tactics (all in the name of anti-bullying…1984 anyone?). Imagine if a conservative were to do the same? Can you just see the public humiliation such a response would engender.
Blatant bias is no longer hidden and it must be resisted.

I am not sure that we can reverse the slide into civilizational suicide currently being undertaken by the West, but we can perhaps delay the inevitable for some time, thus giving those who follow us a little breathing space and time to gather their resources.
I hope I am wrong, but looking at the state of decay within the main organs of ‘culture’ I fear we are too late.

On a more spiritual note however, I am convinced that Almighty God is on His throne and knows exactly what He is doing, which affords me real peace in the private place. Perhaps the ongoing ‘civilisation’ will not appear like ‘business as usual’ but He will accomplish what He wills and nothing can get in the way of that, and that is my singular hope for the future.

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