Monday 1 October 2012

Welcome to the future.

Melanie Phillip's touches on a fantasy indulged in by the anti-human-progress-at-any-cost fanatics also known as NIMBY's (not-in-my-back-yard). The fantasy is that all would be so much better if we could go back to a more bucolic period of history. A 'pre-capitalistic' time where we all lived in village communities and enjoyed bartering with one another and ' good,honest work' etc etc...blah blah blah.
But life in the Middle Ages wasn’t a rural idyll of dancing round maypoles, it was marked by ignorance, savagery and terrible poverty and hardship.
The Industrial Revolution, in turn, wasn’t a hell of harsh-faced bosses and oppressed workers, but happened to be the engine of progress and modernity that produced the affluence we all enjoy today.
 The idea that industrialists are heartless tyrants and workers are helpless victims is, frankly, a fantasy that belongs to crude Left-wing agit-prop.  It sits particularly ill with a Britain plagued by irresponsible trades union activity, and where the Mayor of London recently resorted to bribing railway workers to induce them to call off strike action.
In today’s Britain, objectivity has given way to emotion. Reality has been replaced by the creative imagination. Truth has been supplanted by wishful thinking. Anyone who dissents from any of these orthodoxies is treated as a pariah.
 In truth, those who believe that primitive peoples living in the jungles and undiscovered 'beauty spots' of our world are better off, have never themselves lived such a life and hold an overly romanticised perspective on struggle. These are people who wish to return us to some pre-industrial lifestyle that never existed, and they hope to do it by making the means of modern industrial development, i.e. electricity and fossil fuels, so expensive and so vilified that we cut back to the bare minimum. They postulate that we can replace these methods with 'clean energy', but aside form the idiotic few who actually believe such a fantasy the real 'wide-boys' of this movement have something a lot more sinister at heart.

This is the result of the long march through the institutions, and that was always a quest for power, for domination of the masses by the elite. I agree with Vaclav Havel that the Anthropogenic Global Warming scare is not really about 'sustainable living' as much as it is about who rules.

Lenin's 'useful idiots' who command the organs of communication and entertainment are the megaphones for a new world order and it will not be the idyllic mayflower pole that stands as its symbol.

Think hammer and sickle and what that might mean to your worldview!

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