Tuesday 18 February 2014

Dalrymple nails it!

As always Theodore Dalrymple articulates our cultural dis-ease:
“No age is golden to those who live in it, and it is not often in human history that men are more grateful for progress than worried by current imperfections.
Even so, our current age seems exceptional in the peculiarity of its unease. Never in human history have people lived such long and pain-free lives; never have so many people, and so high proportion of people , had such freedom to choose how to live, what goals to pursue, and how to divert themselves. On the other hand, never have so many people felt anxious and depressed, and resorted to pills to ease their distress. Mankind has laboured long and hard to produce a cornucopia for itself, only to discover that the cornucopia does not bring the happiness expected, but only a different kind of anxiety.”

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