Wednesday 5 November 2014

Dear Cory!

A letter I have just emailed to Cory Bernadi:

Hi Cory.....I wonder about the option of voting for a 'fringe' party these days. I am considering involving myself with the Family First party, even voting for them, a position I have studiously avoided for numerous reasons. However, lately I have become so disgusted with the Labor-lite approach of the federal Lib's that I wonder why I bother with them (other than a few obvious stand-outs). Why can't they make at least some attempt at bringing the ABC wolf (in increasingly tatty sheeps clothing) to heel before the next election? I am offended by the use of our money to promote such; 'lets all hate Australia, neo-Marxist polemics'. 

Unfortunately I can understand how this has come about because the left-wing have so effectively corralled the media, entertainment/arts and education that they have effectively massaged into the silent majority a centre-left world-view as the acceptable norm. Even many Christians these days blindly adhere to philosophies that only 10 years ago would have seemed blasphemous, never mind that huge, non-reflective 'silent majority' to whom philosophy means nothing and who appear too easily distracted by 'bread & games'. The problem is that when it all comes tumbling down these will be among the first to whinge and blame others for the collapse ( the actual 'vanguard' are usually those of the  'intellectual/elite caste').

Lest We Forget has become a somewhat ironic emblem for the cultural disintegration we are witnessing all around us. We might remember the soldiers who gave their lives, but we are forgetting why they died and for what. Most people I speak to actually believe that our freedoms, our culture, our laws and the financial blessing of the West are the result of an evolutionary 'progression' in the history of mankind. This is, by the way, the limit of 'history' that most embrace.....and forgive my cynicism but I speak as a qualified teacher/lecturer.

It appears that we conservatives have lost the culture war. 
What can be done about this state of affairs other than pray for divine intervention? 

A slumped shoulder, conservative, teacher, artist.................mike

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