Friday 28 August 2015

Labor unashamedly totalitarian, Libs need some cojones.

As egregiously incompetent as Victoria's Labor party so obviously is, you have to give it kudos for the bold and apparently unashamed way in which it sweeps aside all systems antithetical to its own in its push for totalitarian rule for the unions (its paymaster and ideological asherah pole).
Judith Sloan: 
But you have to give it to Dan the Man Andrews and his comrades, they really know how to get on with the job, to punish their enemies and install their mates in well-paid positions.
Seconds after they had been sworn in:
- The government construction code was abolished;
- The move on laws (unionists and their mates blockading businesses)were rescinded;
- Right-of-entry for union officials was made easier;
- The East-West Link contract was cancelled and Victorian taxpayers have paid in excess of $600 million for nothing (real figure will forever be fudged);
- All the members of the water boards were sacked
- The board of Ambulance Victoria was shown the door and an egregiously generous settlement was made with the ambos who had (illegally) defaced public property and refused to deal with the Coalition government, knowing all along that they would be generously rewarded for their political support;
- The Victorian Efficiency and Competition Commission was abolished and all the workers were sacked, notwithstanding the entreaties of former Labor premiers, Bracks and Brumby (they are both out in the cold; sensible advice is not welcomed by the Andrews government);
- The board of VLine was sacked.
Would that the Liberals could be equally forceful in their attempts to transform the institutions that continue to white-ant every policy they hesitantly put on the table for the good of Australia. In tactics straight out of Alinsky's 12 Rules for Radicals, Labor trash and ridicule the man they have set up to be Australia's most hated person, the Prime Minister:
 RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)
When are the rusted-on voters of the Labor going to realise that Labor the political party, who act increasingly like the political organ of Big Union, cares about as much for the rank and file of this country as the union demonstrably does about its rank and file.

Consider Bill Shorten's 'deal' when he was a union boss and where the workers were dudded in a deal to give Shorten political advantage. Consider the Gillard government supporting and paying for a union boss (Thompson) who spent ridiculous amounts of money on personal entertainment, sex, and his own political goals, all out of the pockets of some of the least paid workers in Australia. Consider the current defence of Union thugs who have been shown to be nothing more than
Down-under-Mafioso thugs who bribe, steal, stand-over and manipulate.

C'mon Liberals, find some balls guys, that is while we still have a chance.

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