Monday 15 January 2018


The main stream media are assaulting our ears and eyes on a hourly basis with their Trump Derangement syndrome.

Anything the 45th President says or does is subject to hours of false analysis, mockery, talk show idiocy, Hollywood buffoonery, and snowflake personalities crying into their tiaras.

Bullies call out bullying from Trump, liars call out lying from Trump, idiots call him an idiot.

Trump is actually exposing the 'ruling elites' true agendas left, right and centre. It could be the greatest thing any politician has ever done for the 'normal's' of society.

I like Roger Kimball's take on the current hypocrisy:
Roger Kimball marvels at the reaction to President Donald Trump's observation, admittedly vulgar, that migrants from some cultures are preferable to those from what might more politely be termed the septic tanks of civilisation:
... was the president right to question the desirability of accepting immigrants from places like Haiti? Let’s leave his colorful language to one side. That was just a bit of rhetorical salsa on the burrito. The coarsening of language in the public square (and the private hearth) means that virtually anyone not cloistered hears and/or utters much ruder language almost daily.
As one who inhabits said 'agora' I can indeed report that the language I experience in sensurround on a minute by minute basis is disgusting. I have trained myself and my children to bear it with humility and solicitude but to try hard not to absorb and be infected by it, for it is indeed (IMHO) an infection that leads to affliction.

Musing further I was watching a TV program where the parents of a teen who has tragically committed suicide (I can imagine no harsher life-time punishment for a parent) are trying to make sense of it all. Unfortunately they appear to be treading the well-worn path of blaming everyone and sundry for their awful predicament. And most distressing of all, (though completely understandable) they are setting up an organisation in their teens name to lead the charge to 'stamp out cyber-bullying'.

One might as well try to eradicate every ant on ain't going to happen. As sympathetic as I am to their plight and as in agreement as I am with any attempt to minimise bullying behaviour I am also a realist.

American president Bush illustrated his ignorance/naiveté when he called the drug issue a 'War on drugs'. It is not a war, it can never be a conflict with an end, it's a constant and forever struggle against human weakness and like bulling the best way to combat it is not to try and eradicate it completely, but teach your children, the members of your community, the people of your country how to stand up to the scourge.

How not to fall victim. How to be strong in the face of adversity and not try to take the easy way out.
How to persevere, to overcome and in doing so become strong.

Instead we are teaching them to be snowflakes, gingerbread men and women who crumble at the first sign of opposition. 

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