Wednesday 24 October 2018


I have just read a post about an experiment in America where a drug was administered to a group of volunteers for the express purpose of 'making them more friendly towards refugees/immigrants'.
[The title of the study is, "Oxytocin-enforced norm compliance reduces xenophobic outgroup rejection." (Reference: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Aug 29;114(35):9314-9319.)]
Huxley embraces Orwell.

I also happened to be watching TV last night, a favoured programme which for 3 seasons has managed to maintain some balance in the political arena...not so with the new series. It has adopted a much more radicalised left-wing perspective even getting Hillary Clinton in to lecture the viewers about 'loving multiculturalism and hating nationalism'....this is a direct attack on the concept of countries having borders and an unrepentant promotion of the idea of globalisation. As in the study of Oxytocin the idea is to change behaviour, not address legitimate issues such as overcrowding, the loss of identity, crime, etc

Behind this agenda is a belief that the human being is nothing more than a biological machine to be manipulated by those in power to do what they believe is best for everyone[actually themselves]. With a TV programme it is possible to switch off as I did, however when it gets to the point of tampering with our water supply the effects are much more sinister.

Welcome to our Brave New World.

PS......thank you Hollywood for being so stupidly unsubtle which provides me with the opportunity to stop watching TV and begin to reawaken my studies of the glories of Western Culture. So much to catch up on, so much wealth and richness of reading.

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